Older plants

Hi all, I noticed a lot of talk about you can or mostly not rejuvenate a plant after harvest, does anyone one know why off hand, . There are so many fruit trees, that do, rose buses. Just curious Ken, I am going to try my short girl, just because I can, but will be doing much more than usual research about how to get best odds, and will take before and after pics if anyone cares.. thanks/PV<><Ken
I actually dont know, id guess time to reveg back to size and eventually it dont grow no more but then a clone of a well flowered plant flowered and cloned many times id assume works.

Yannow ill take some learning on re-vegging after harvest too. I have done it once but there must have been a few reasons we dont treat it like a rose bush - be sweet if it would, one seed and ykur set for life :-)
Well if you reveg it, and then take clones from it, you should have new plant material thats fresh and ready to go, mind you reveg can easily take a good 4-6 weeks before new leaves etc appear...

Have a Good day...
Cannabis is an annual plant, meaning it grows, flowers and dies in one season. You can usually keep it alive long enough after flowering to get new vegetative growth, but can't run it through multiple cycles.
I think that this is a really good questions.

The concept is the "Re-Veg".

Now, I have successfully gotten plants that had begun to flower to start vegging again,
but what I have not yet done is to take a plant that got to go through a full flowering cycle
and ReVeg-ed it.

It seems to me that what I have left when the cycle is done is just not something with vigor...
or even really good leaf-age...with which to grow.

It is one of my one little personal discoveries that the thrust of vigor that beginning to
flower cna bring a plant can be used to get a rooted clone of a tough breed. This came from
my just taking a few "last tries" from plants that I went ahead and flowered after having
a tough time getting rooted clones from.

BTW: I started this yesterday.....hoping that I am not just repeating someone else now. :0) lol