Oldschool meets newschool!

I think it could well be time to potup, budget a gallon per month, or liter per week, but then again you would know that ....right? lol

I will pot up but not to the volumes you're thinking of. I used to grow 2-4 plants per square foot perpetually in 5.5" pots but that was in 4'x4' trays, I'm in a 2'x2' now and my old pots don't fit(they do but I can only fit 9 instead of 12-16). I am looking for some 5" o.d. square pots right now to transplant in to. I may do a few 1 gallon grow bags this round though since the tray will not be full before the first round finishes and I have a pack on hand, I just hate how unstable they are.

Also forgot to mention that the pH was high at 7 for five feedings over 2.5 days before I noticed, that's why the leaves are curled and blotchy. I just got that adjusted so it should even out and raised the lights some to relieve some stress. These COBs are intense, I would not believe it if I was not seeing it!

Thanks for posting!
Ok, day 7 of flower today and the plants are doing great! I had to tie 3 of the females over today to keep them from being too tall, though I do have more headroom in case, the other is playing catch up. There are still two plants that have not shown clear enough to determine sex so fingers crossed for more females! Known females were potted up to 6" round a few days ago until I can find squares so I drilled a few holes around the base, just above the hydroton level inside for more drainage of the coco but the bottom of the pot is a shallow reservoir that keeps the hydroton moist. There is one known GSC cross male in there so far and I chopped two schwag seed males already.

In the veg cab there are 5 new seedlings up top and in the trays below I took about 16 clones from the known females in flower.

I also moved the big fan that was screwed to the back wall and hung it from bungie cords from the ceiling. Much better circulation and it's almost silent now. HPIM0264.jpgHPIM0263.jpg HPIM0266.jpg
Happy day today, I was doing my daily checks and found roots on three clones!! They have been transplanted into party cups 100% coco. The seedlings are doing fine, I may transplant them later this weekend. Flower cab is feeding four times a day during lights on, plants are looking great!
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Hey Jad3, my friend is a computer builder geek and gave me a ton of heat sink/fan combos to try out. If I had to guess, 2000-2007 Dell Optiplex Pentium coolers are in my flower cab.

There are two styles I'm using but they're used so idk the brand. The style in my flower cab are about 2.5"x3" at the base and increase to 3"x3" at the fan. I mounted the fans to pull cooler air through the sides and blow out the top to be exhausted by my ventilation above. The one in my veg cab is a little larger and the fan blows through horizontally to be exhausted out the ventilation directly behind it.

Update weekend, stay tuned for pics/progress!
Thank you for the info =)

I ended up ordering some Arctic Cooling Alpine 11 heatsinks. Can't wait for everything to get here so I can get to some DIY building!

Also can't wait to see how the COB grow will compare to my old 150w HPS grow. =P
You did good, your cobs will excel over the 150 watt bulb, are you using the cob holders?
Thank you for the info =)

I ended up ordering some Arctic Cooling Alpine 11 heatsinks. Can't wait for everything to get here so I can get to some DIY building!

Also can't wait to see how the COB grow will compare to my old 150w HPS grow. =P
I agree with Tim, my computer is fucked or I would update the weekly and show you some progress. These COBs are way more impressive than I thought prior to trying them out.

I'm at day 15 and the growth is comparable to when I grew under a 1k hps at about 62w per sq ft. The cobs are at 56w, we'll see when they bud.
Ok, day 15thish update. It's been a very good week for the girls all around.

First up my veg cab, I have (5) new GSC cross seedlings up front on the shelf above with potted clones behind them. Bottom shelf has three clone domes with about 20 clones rooting behind the row of party cup clones freshly potted that day up front. It's getting crunk in here, I had to lower the shelf after slightly burning two seedlings(second pic) from growing too close to the light.
Third pic shows my flower cab with the four girls on corners and two males center front and rear. The males are about to drop pollen so they are coming out tonight, I will pollenate the girls carefully one branch at a time and mark them for seeds to know which father was used.
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Females only post. First pic is a bag seed plant we will call "Ms Blue" for now, second pic is my GSCxOGK cross marked in GREEN. Third pic is two bag seed plants from another bag, left side is "Ms Yellow" and right is "Ms Orange".HPIM0290.jpgHPIM0291.jpg HPIM0292.jpg
@mc130p, it is humid here but there is not much I can do in this location. It is basically open to the elements, no air condition or climate control available. The weather has been 50-90% rain/humidity every day for weeks, I joke that there are two seasons here, the hot rainy season and the cold rainy season. I will keep the fan blowing and cross my fingers.

Day 21 update, I took the two newer bag seed plants out in the woods to free up space for my perpetual grow. There is one bag seed female back left and the GSCxOGK cross back right. Down low I put two clones in last week up front and behind them are two clones I just put in today. I will put two in each week until I can't fit any more and flower them out in the party cups until I can find pots and plan my schedule around how many of them fit. The small plants on the right are the five new GSCxOGK cross seed plants I started a couple weeks back, it's day one for them.

In the veg cabinet I have a clone of each original seed plant across the back for mothers/father and two plants under the light vegging for next week flowering. Bottom shelf has clones rooted/rooting for future weeks. HPIM0293.jpgHPIM0294.jpg HPIM0298.jpg HPIM0297.jpg
Me too Tim, there's no way I could have grown perpetual with them all tied together on one frame like I almost did, so glad I went separate.

Hey Dion, welcome to the party over here!

Day 45 on the first pair. Temps have been tolerable but I gotta do something with the humidity, it gets 99% sometimes during the day when lights are off due to heat/rain and rarely gets below 72% with the lights on at night.

First pic is the bagseed "Blue", second pic is GSCx #1 and third pic is where I broke the GSCx #1 trying to control height(unsuccessfully, she is over 4' bent into an "s" tied down and broken).

Fourth pic is the second set that kicked off my perpetual grow and they are day 30.

Fifth pic are the three new GSCx plants from seed that are about day 30 as well.

Last pic is a group shot with all 15 plants as of today.PICT3950.JPGPICT3954.JPG PICT3952.JPG PICT3955.JPG PICT3956.JPG PICT3958.JPG
Due to overwhelming humidity and high temps, I got powdery mildew and had to shut it down but I did get a nice seed run from it to continue. Here I am 7 months later and I'm back basically where I left off at 46ish days with the new crop. Three plants are about 46 days in and one a few weeks behind them, another went in a couple weeks ago but this time temps were between 38 and 48*f for 10 days in the cabinet spread over the last month which may have stunted growth some. The two front plants shot up too close to the lights causing bleaching but they are recovering. I will be adding more plants as time goes on to keep it perpetual but I'm not on a set schedule.


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I just got the okay from the boss to set up a bigger tent for my next run, I'll be gathering supplies throughout the next few weeks or so and then I'll start a new build/grow thread. It's going to be at least double, possibly 3- 4x this size(2x2).