You never know!nor would make anyone dream of flying unicorns (or horned pegasi?)
Didn't want to chime in but what the hell, all my weed's gone anyway...
OP suggested for people to notice if there was any difference in their dreams with a teaspoon of olive oil before bed. It wouldn't get anyone high, nor would make anyone dream of flying unicorns (or horned pegasi?), it was supposed just to make the experience somewhat different.
OP should have thought, since this is basically a pothead's forum (yeah, yeah, there are medical users and people who don't consider themselves potheads but hey, it's a forum about WEED... You pothead). Anyway, OP should have predicted the thread would be 97% jokes, 2.5% flaming and here and there someone saying they will try it.
I will, by the way. If I remember to.
honestly I had no clue that this forum would be jam packed with Americans... er sorry I mean Trolls. no wait that isn't right either?
um? annoying people?
Therein lies the problem, have you seen his plants? LOL
They're small, but iv already smoked a few parts and the high is really nice.