Omaba Lies

***** I am not telling you you can't talk out its the right of right every american I doubt you know anything about that because of your loose grasp of the language. You need to undstand that this is an adult topic so go do the homework your pinko commie civics teacher asigned. And to everyone else just please read/watch more than one media outlet beleave half of that and you will soon realise that we are pushing the boundries of the constituton. I do feel that W. did a little pushing him self but is that reason to allow more of it and rember what your politicans promised. Just please go to and ask your self wheres that change and would you suport over a 30k check to every taxpayer because thats what its worth. And I am realy loving this exchange of opinions because thats what the constition is all about.... but the U.N. doesn't like it and have asked obummer to end all of this foolishness I feel he will. That means good bye 1st and 2nd all before 60 days that leaves a lot of time to take down the rest. BEWARE!!!!
***** I am not telling you you can't talk out its the right of right every american I doubt you know anything about that because of your loose grasp of the language. You need to undstand that this is an adult topic so go do the homework your pinko commie civics teacher asigned. And to everyone else just please read/watch more than one media outlet beleave half of that and you will soon realise that we are pushing the boundries of the constituton. I do feel that W. did a little pushing him self but is that reason to allow more of it and rember what your politicans promised. Just please go to and ask your self wheres that change and would you suport over a 30k check to every taxpayer because thats what its worth. And I am realy loving this exchange of opinions because thats what the constition is all about.... but the U.N. doesn't like it and have asked obummer to end all of this foolishness I feel he will. That means good bye 1st and 2nd all before 60 days that leaves a lot of time to take down the rest. BEWARE!!!!
i'm not sure what we're talking about here,,,,,something about the voices compell me
Well this tread was started to see what people think of obama now that voted for him. I myself voted for McCain because I saw through Obama's lies and deception. Please don't hide behind bush like all of the loons that fail to accept the fact Obama is gonna change this country to a Communist state. :spew:
Well this tread was started to see what people think of obama now that voted for him. I myself voted for McCain because I saw through Obama's lies and deception. Please don't hide behind bush like all of the loons that fail to accept the fact Obama is gonna change this country to a Communist state. :spew:
Speaking of communist, I find that funny that you could say that. Lets see and really i'm not for either demorcrat or republican I think thier two in one, but thats another argument. When infact the government is more intrusive on your rights with the passage of these so called terror laws and yes I said terror how many terror alerts were we put on while they were passing legislation to take away our rights are a few...
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records questions.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.
RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.
FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation.
RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.
RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.

But really William Jefferson Clinton was the brainchild of the Patriot Act and and Department of Homeland security but a reluctant repubilican congrees denied him the opportunity to implent this. But as we know with republican G.W. Bush serving that same republian congress passed these bills into law.

Like I said two peas in a Pod!
Speaking of communist, I find that funny that you could say that. Lets see and really i'm not for either demorcrat or republican I think thier two in one, but thats another argument. When infact the government is more intrusive on your rights with the passage of these so called terror laws and yes I said terror how many terror alerts were we put on while they were passing legislation to take away our rights are a few...
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records questions.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.
RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.
FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation.
RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.
RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.

But really William Jefferson Clinton was the brainchild of the Patriot Act and and Department of Homeland security but a reluctant repubilican congrees denied him the opportunity to implent this. But as we know with republican G.W. Bush serving that same republian congress passed these bills into law.

Like I said two peas in a Pod!

This isn't about being Rep. or Dem. This is about finding out what you think about Obama. Also I don't understand why everyone is brining up Bush and the Patriot act. That has nothing to do with spending 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars. Then taking every freedom we have and taxing everything and EVERYONE under the sun they see fit. Never fixing the problem brankrupting the country.
This isn't about being Rep. or Dem. This is about finding out what you think about Obama. Also I don't understand why everyone is brining up Bush and the Patriot act. That has nothing to do with spending 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars. Then taking every freedom we have and taxing everything and EVERYONE under the sun they see fit. Never fixing the problem brankrupting the country.

You implied it was all the dims ...and it's not ... the repukes played a big roll in jacking up the deficit ... where were you when the bush regime was bankrupting the country?:fire:
to be honest i have to say obama is probably the best thing thats happened for america in a while......he may not gain everyones vote but to be honest the economy is dying.....and if we dont change the way we live its gonna become less about guns and money and more about surviving the damage we are doing to the environment....i would have thought for free minded individuals knowing that the herb can only be grown if there is a less fucked up atmosphere anywho ;) the republicans were going to rely on oil and keep supporting the war in be more worried about spending taxes on that crap

but you should watch Zeitgeist.... that program speaks volumes on how the governments screw us over and how this we use money as a tool for power because its all we've known since mankind evolved into a society.

not trying to rile anyone up just saying theres more to existance than money, power, guns etc.
peace :)
Growrebel you are showing your ignorance on the stimulus subject. And on Bush's spending he had 2 wars 1 terrorist attack and 8yrs to spend and still Obama outspends him by tenfold in only months. So please remove your fingers from your ears turn off the msnbc and try to learn.
Growrebel you are showing your ignorance on the stimulus subject. And on Bush's spending he had 2 wars 1 terrorist attack and 8yrs to spend and still Obama outspends him by tenfold in only months. So please remove your fingers from your ears turn off the msnbc and try to learn.
clinton had two wars a terrorest attack and left a surplus w/ a very similar plan as bama's ,,,,,,,,,,ur critisizing to early if u want to be take as a serious man with working parts in the headrow
clinton had two wars a terrorest attack and left a surplus w/ a very similar plan as bama's ,,,,,,,,,,ur critisizing to early if u want to be take as a serious man with working parts in the headrow

Clinton didn't have two wars, he had some minor UN sanctioned police actions. Nothing that compares to the amount of military force that is in Iraq.

Though he did have to continue to patrol Northern and Southern Iraq, and thus the original Gulf War never really reached a close. About as far as it got was a cease fire.