Omega Garden

and if you get it anywhere near dialed in it is going to pay for itself in what a week in reality. i know of people that are pulling 10 lbs of dried meds from the 2 light omega system so call the volks 3 to 5 in 8 square feet - DOH
What about the height of the plants does that play a vital role....plants can get 6'

They better not get 6' tall in this. It looks like it is aout 18-24" from the light to the trays. Looks like the volksgarden is even smaller between the trays and the light.

The total height of the unit is 64"
It does appear that the heights of the plants would a vital factor. I would like to purchase one in the future but I am not sure due to height issues. What do you think....
got a stainless steel omega unit but i think i would rather have two volksgardens just in case i ever need to bug out in a hurry
A company called the bonsai wheel makes them. And GI grow makes one with a mist feeding system. I was told to read up on Plants in motion google it an you should find it
both of those systems are poor quality knock offs of the omega and i hear nothing but horror stories from ppl i know that own them
Maybe the bonsai wheel is built a little cheap but that GI grow looks pretty decent. I have heard one person after two years of constant growing with a bonsai wheel it went to an egg shape but still useable just not as many plants he did say though he wished he would have payed more an bought a OMEGA. But he was using it to make MONEY an it was going 24 7 for two years so for a person who just wants personal and only uses it two or three times a year it might just fit there need an budget. What horror story did you hear about the GI GROW?
got a stainless steel omega unit but i think i would rather have two volksgardens just in case i ever need to bug out in a hurry
Why would you want the volksgarden you would need four of them to come close to what you could yield out of your stainless OMEGA and they are made out of plastic like the BONSAI probably wont last as long
the GI Grow has the worst watering system there is. The GI stand for "gravity injection" and it really just shoots streams of water at the back of each cube at the top of the rotation which just gets water/nutes all over the place, i,m surprised that no one hasent offed the guy who makes it yet.
it's not the plastic part of the bonsai garden that becomes malformed but the steel ring that the plastic channels are attached to.
the volksgarden is a solid molded cylinder and i have one of the first ones made which has been turning non stop for more then 2 years with no warping at all. you can do half of what you can get from an omega with it you just might have to veg for a day or two longer to fill in the wheel is all. more is better not always
I heard that one of the knock offs (I think it was the Rotogrow but also may have been the GI) is not electrically certified and almost burnt some guy's house to the ground. This was in the Pacific Northwest somewhere.

The GI I've saw at a show appeared to be extremely delicate with way too many moving parts. When my wife approves the budget, I'm definitely going to hook up with the technology's inventor at Omega Garden.

I'm leaning towards a Volksgarden and will post a daily log book when it happens.
If I'm understanding the Volksgarden system correctly, it's just a basic ebb and flow system with unique geometry.

Am I correct?