Omega Garden

sorta like saying a wheel barrel has too many moving parts

I guess... but when you set the wheel barrel down it stops doing work. I don't see how its the same, or even close. Whens the last time you used an electronic wheel barrel?

Its the same reason i don't like light movers, one more thing I gotta worry about... and I don't like to worry. I'm on site and moving about at least 8 to 10 times a day... and I'm still paranoid enough to not want things that move around. Thats just me though.. to each his own.

I see that gear now that you mention it... how do you adjust the light for plant growth?

What the yield from one of those machines?
the GI Grow has the worst watering system there is. The GI stand for "gravity injection" and it really just shoots streams of water at the back of each cube at the top of the rotation which just gets water/nutes all over the place, i,m surprised that no one hasent offed the guy who makes it yet.

The GI Grow looks hands down far superior than the volksgarden. I can get the 240 site GI Grow AND EVERYTHING else needed (ballasts/lights/rez/pump) for $600 less than two volksgardens that will only support 160 plants. And the GI Grow appears to be much better quality. Food grade metal vs. food grade plastic? Seems pretty obvious to me which is more durable. I've enjoyed reading your posts and share your enthusiasm for rotary gardens, but bashing other systems? Why? I can kind of see why you rub some people the wrong way.
The GI Grow looks hands down far superior than the volksgarden. I can get the 240 site GI Grow AND EVERYTHING else needed (ballasts/lights/rez/pump) for $600 less than two volksgardens that will only support 160 plants. And the GI Grow appears to be much better quality. Food grade metal vs. food grade plastic? Seems pretty obvious to me which is more durable. I've enjoyed reading your posts and share your enthusiasm for rotary gardens, but bashing other systems? Why? I can kind of see why you rub some people the wrong way.

I can tell that you have never seen one up close or talked to anyone that has owned one and been through the nightmare called the gigrow. It is the worst abomination in the rotary garden world and if that asshole that makes them didnt have a metal shop making other stuff the gigrow would never exist. But because all he has to do is maintain that website and when some sucker sees it and thinks that its looks like other systems that are out there and working the nightmare gets to live on.

Good luck with your nightmare gigrow

And nightmare was what Biofloral called it and they used to be the dstributer of the product till all of the death threats started from unhappy gigrow customers. Call Biofloral and ask em about it.
What specifically is so bad about the GI Gro? And, what is wrong with the RotoGro? The Roto Gro(w) looks insane. Built-in electronic ballasts, water pump timer, light timer, light fan, dual reservoirs and 24" to the light for 20" plants. The 10" plant restriction with the volksgarden is just too difficult to market. I can't wrap my mind around it. Seems like they would only yeild 5-10g each. You've seen the bubblemans hideout roto grow pics right? That's one of the most beautiful grows I've ever seen, and definitely the best rotary garden pics ever. How can you argue against those roto grow results?

For anyone who hasn't seen the pics I was talking about of the rotogro, they are here: Roto Grow - Bubbleman's Hideout
That thing looks cool as hell, but theres no way im spendin 2 grand on somethin like that. Im just too cheap. Besides, im already mappin out plans to make my own cool cab type deal with an 8' file cabinet like the ones they use in school- pretty much the exact same one that theyre trying to sell for a G online. But hell im just startin out, so ill probably end up using like 50 different methods of growing before i settle in to what ill be happy with usin for the rest of my life(which hopefully will end up being an entire BoG(Basement of Green), lol.
What specifically is so bad about the GI Gro? And, what is wrong with the RotoGro? The Roto Gro(w) looks insane. Built-in electronic ballasts, water pump timer, light timer, light fan, dual reservoirs and 24" to the light for 20" plants. The 10" plant restriction with the volksgarden is just too difficult to market. I can't wrap my mind around it. Seems like they would only yeild 5-10g each. You've seen the bubblemans hideout roto grow pics right? That's one of the most beautiful grows I've ever seen, and definitely the best rotary garden pics ever. How can you argue against those roto grow results?

For anyone who hasn't seen the pics I was talking about of the rotogro, they are here: Roto Grow - Bubbleman's Hideout

What 10 inch plant restriction are you talking about? Where do you get such misinformation from? There is 18 inches of space from the top of the rooting medium to teh outside of the cooltube

Rotogro + plastic gears that do not last and the things are starting fires. Up till very recently the rotogro didnt even bother getting a csa or ul safety certification so what do they care if you die in a house fire.

Plastic housing for ballasts is not a good idea. Do you see any other ballast housed in plastic? I dont care what the results are if you are risking your life the whole time you have the thing plugged in.
What 10 inch plant restriction are you talking about? Where do you get such misinformation from?

Actually, I thought you said something about your king louis strain growing to 10-12", didn't I? Just curious, what are some other good strains for rotary gardens?

Rotogro + plastic gears that do not last and the things are starting fires.

Do you have any proof of this?

Also, what is your argument against GI Grow? Other than they aren't omega gardens?
Actually, I thought you said something about your king louis strain growing to 10-12", didn't I? Just curious, what are some other good strains for rotary gardens?

Do you have any proof of this?

Also, what is your argument against GI Grow? Other than they aren't omega gardens?

go back and read and try to comprehend before asking about shit thats been well covered
go back and read and try to comprehend before asking about shit thats been well covered

I can see why everyone hates you and posts "spam" all over your threads. I gave you no reason to be a jackass, you could have kept it civil.

Also, You don't back up your claims at all. You're totally FOS! I don't believe a word you say about any of this stuff. I've checked every post you have ever made and all you do is generalize with no facts or proof of your claims. All this hype and all you have to show for it is one lame thumbnail sized pic? If Omega Garden knew you were an ambassador on their behalf, they would ask you to stop. You are doing their image more harm than good. You're a joke! Later...
I can see why everyone hates you and posts "spam" all over your threads. I gave you no reason to be a jackass, you could have kept it civil.

Also, You don't back up your claims at all. You're totally FOS! I don't believe a word you say about any of this stuff. I've checked every post you have ever made and all you do is generalize with no facts or proof of your claims. All this hype and all you have to show for it is one lame thumbnail sized pic? If Omega Garden knew you were an ambassador on their behalf, they would ask you to stop. You are doing their image more harm than good. You're a joke! Later...

you gave me more then enough reason to tear you another one, yet i refrained and you still come on like you just won the looser goof award. im sure you will be unhappy with whatever your choice is so break a leg brainiache
hey guys...sorry for not being on here..however i had to take care of some bussines...well yes those pics arent mine... i have no reason to ly...however that is what they will do..i know a guy out in cali that runs 12 of them in a warehouse off of a highway...all very cool...they were getting from 7 to 10 lbs...

however as about the liitle volksgarden.. a freind of mine has one and hes actually trying to sell it...cus the things are tinny and not enough root space with the 3 inch max u could only put 30 ish plants in there... at that price of two grand...You better off envest in a larger unit or go with somthing else as a setup...600 wat dig and a full Northern Farmer...I have one right now that i build for a trial and let me tell you its the fastest thing i have seen for making motthers..i have 26 plants under a 600 watt with a 3 tier statium...i will post pics.. later...

also I use Gis... not Omegas or Rotogrows....

i hear those omega employees keep setting fires to sell products.

and what do we have here. proof and very cool naturalhigh

Rotogrow = 1
Omega = 0

a picture is worth a million words.

Yr going to have to put Gi Grows in the mix.....

Rotogrow = 1
Omega = 0
Gi Grow =1


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hey guys...sorry for not being on here..however i had to take care of some bussines...well yes those pics arent mine... i have no reason to ly...however that is what they will do..i know a guy out in cali that runs 12 of them in a warehouse off of a highway...all very cool...they were getting from 7 to 10 lbs...

however as about the liitle volksgarden.. a freind of mine has one and hes actually trying to sell it...cus the things are tinny and not enough root space with the 3 inch max u could only put 30 ish plants in there... at that price of two grand...You better off envest in a larger unit or go with somthing else as a setup...600 wat dig and a full Northern Farmer...I have one right now that i build for a trial and let me tell you its the fastest thing i have seen for making motthers..i have 26 plants under a 600 watt with a 3 tier statium...i will post pics.. later...

also I use Gis... not Omegas or Rotogrows....


3 in cube is plenty large enough to grow a 2oz plus plant. your friend just doesnt have it dialed in or he would be pulling 5+ out of his volksgarden

so tell us what happen to loose so many plants in your giblow. must have been that stupid injection watering system i bet
more pics...we had this wheel about 2/3s maxed out...we lost a lot of clones due to some issues //pc

Cool, it's good to hear some positive feedback about the GI grow. So, did you have the 144, 240 or 336 site system? Also, what "mistake" did you make that lead to clone probs? Did you have any probs keeping your plants short?
3 in cube is plenty large enough to grow a 2oz plus plant. your friend just doesnt have it dialed in or he would be pulling 5+ out of his volksgarden

so tell us what happen to loose so many plants in your giblow. must have been that stupid injection watering system i bet got to be joking...5 plus out of a Volksgarden....? rotfl...untill i see freaking way..and btw you have no pics ( in this entire thread) to back up any of your info soo i wouldnt believer what you say.. people who talk alot of bs is usually bs.. its one thing growing leaf lettice or romaine in a 3 inch cube.. but weed. no way they need more space... ..the day you can get a 2 oz plant out of of your little dinkly 3 inch cube i will give my gi grow away in a raffle On RIU..

And actually the reason we lost the clones was due to the rockwool starter cubes ....I will never go back to those...rappidrooters or jiffy cubes...from now on...the drip injection actoually worked even better then i thought it would be...i would set the rez for a week and i didnt even have to touch it or do anything to the setup////However with your have to check it EVERYDAY...for PH and PPM...A .GI grow is run to waste...and i by having it drip twice a day..i never saw any over drip...

This machine injects the exact required amount of liquid
fertilizer in each cube.
Major savings on fertilizer compared to other rotating
machines or hydroponics systems. ( Omega gardens have huge 40 to 50 gallon rezs)
No longer drain large quantities of used fertilizer each
week (big savings) ( IDK MAN but if you have to drain 40 gallons of water a week and then refill it and do it all over again check it everyday,,,) thats too much bs...
Your omega gardens Staturates the cube with too much water....Rockwool wicks...) idk if u knew that if you put that in a pool of water its gona fill the whole dam cube with water) thats a bad idea.... plants need o2
The trays are made of ultra solid and sturdy stainless steel.
Unlike plastic ones, these trays do not break and they do
not release contaminants. ( idk about you but having plasic parts around over 1200 degree bulbs is not a smart idea.

and befor you say anything more get me some picutres of a 5 lb thats the case i will buy 5 of them right now...
jiffy cubes and rockwool never work well together

omegas come with a 23 gallon res not a 40 to 50 gallon as your lie states

i bet you loose more running to waste then the flood and drain of an omega

yes rockwool wicks so all you have to do is make contact with the nutrients and the rockwool wicks up what it wants and there is no over saturation as your lie states

gigrow channels are very flimsy and damage very easily. the plastic cube holders in the volksgarden are tougher then a gigrow channel any day

the bulb is housed in a cooltube 19 inches from the plastic and has a temperture of closer to 600 degrees showing how much you know

OH MY GOD CHECK YOUR NUTES EVERYDAY? what kind of farmer are you?
check everything everyday or loose crops to little things like a $20 pump or a $10 timer.
hey guys...sorry for not being on here..however i had to take care of some bussines...well yes those pics arent mine... i have no reason to ly...however that is what they will do..i know a guy out in cali that runs 12 of them in a warehouse off of a highway...all very cool...they were getting from 7 to 10 lbs...

however as about the liitle volksgarden.. a freind of mine has one and hes actually trying to sell it...cus the things are tinny and not enough root space with the 3 inch max u could only put 30 ish plants in there... at that price of two grand...You better off envest in a larger unit or go with somthing else as a setup...600 wat dig and a full Northern Farmer...I have one right now that i build for a trial and let me tell you its the fastest thing i have seen for making motthers..i have 26 plants under a 600 watt with a 3 tier statium...i will post pics.. later...

also I use Gis... not Omegas or Rotogrows....


word up. Northern Farmer Stadium. If you dont know you dont grow...