Omega Garden

all i am doing is cautioning about what might not be there with the system since there are parts missing in the pictures. now your motivations are another thing entirely
oh boy that looks like one to be wary of. looks like there might be a bunch of parts missing. i like the stack of tires beside it hmmmmmmmm.
these models are no longer on the omega site so parts are likely going to be a expensive. I see this one is the one prier to the one i had cause mine had a hinged door and this one is screwed on. it would be good to pick up as a parts unit if all the parts are not with it. doesnt look like it had the best of care ;)

What parts do you see missing from the pic? This one being a model prior to yours, do these units not last long? Do they have a short life? How long do these things last? What do people need to know when buying these things used?

Information would be much more helpful than opinions...:confused:
What parts do you see missing from the pic? This one being a model prior to yours, do these units not last long? Do they have a short life? How long do these things last? What do people need to know when buying these things used?

Information would be much more helpful than opinions...:confused:

it may all be there, scrolling down on the ebay page i see that there are pics 2 machines and the text has a list of components. the first pic however didnt have the stainless steel C-channels

you got information and opinion so what are you complaining about?

i think from the look in these pics though that this person doesnt take care of their things. how hard is it to put a tarp over it so it doesnt get covered in dust?

sorry about the cautioning advice, smart ppl dont need it and stupid ppl dont listen to it. :mrgreen:
6 to 7lbs is not an uncommon average so its paid off well before your first go is finished but you are better off with 2 of Omegas Volksgardens as that will yield that same but cost less to get started and much easier to work with over all.

Not a snowballs hope in hell 6/7 pound of bull shit maybe Can you measure spam in pounds?
Check my posts BE SCARED
Omega owners beware your name is out there....

i just posted this in another thread cause of chicken little here

Originally Posted by Bigcool
You are one stubborn ass

I see a tube welded and ground too much I see the line where the tube meets the plate
the weld is poor..sloppy

I showed my wife all of this, as I seem to spend too much time on my my computer and she has a very scarey point ... If where the omegas were shipped from have my name and they are in legal limbo ..does this mean there is a data base with all shipments in the hands of a disgruntled Mfg . Fuck I must them again call again as I have heard nothing..

Why anyone would buy an Omega is crazy.. I have to go and convince my wife I don't have to dismantle...AHHHH

for someone who thinks they are so smart you have really potentially fucked up now havent you? maybe this is your karma.

well as it happens i do think of thee things as i move through the valley of darkness and i was sure to ask the appropriate questions before buying a system from omega. they have freight forwarding services on both sides of the can/us border so you dont have to worry about that part anyway, and for just this kind of reason. so even if you are not too swift they are looking out for ya awwwwwwwwwwwwww isnt that sweet? even though you dont seem to deserve it, they are loyal to you and all of their other customers.....they must be canadians. im sure they feel for every poor grower who buys a sub standard knock-off of their briliant systems. if my count is right the foodle is their 8th rotary garden design maybe 9th. i think only the guy who made the bonsai made more then 1 version of his machine trying to improve it, the rest are just copying others.
300 plants ++ the feds find that and your locked up.....Way better of with a few large plants at least then its personal

Captian Omega big mouth never a picture
and he questions our truthfulness

His head is as big as a Omega wheel

I give him pictures he cries conspiracy
What can one man do
300 plants ++ the feds find that and your locked up.....Way better of with a few large plants at least then its personal

Captian Omega big mouth never a picture
and he questions our truthfulness

His head is as big as a Omega wheel

I give him pictures he cries conspiracy
What can one man do

who is this "our"? i am talking to you
ya i dont remember him questioning anyones truthfulness.. just tryin to help the buyers beware
I totally thank that 300 plants is totally way too many plants.....but why hate so much on Omega...even if he is spamming...or rude. I hope everyone is just trying to learn more from his info. Information is going to help everybody.
I totally thank that 300 plants is totally way too many plants.....but why hate so much on Omega...even if he is spamming...or rude. I hope everyone is just trying to learn more from his info. Information is going to help everybody.

i can remember seeing this many years ago (another site) as an earlier plastic design that had 160 fixed sites and the poster stated over 6 lbs from 2 x 600s and the same guy did a grow with only half of the plants and managed to do the same kind of yields, so i agree that 300 seems like not the best use of the machines.
Sorry after his challenge of the facts I presented about Omega garden problems,he stirred something in me, I went back thru all posts and found no post where he helps anyone. Just trying to sell his machine. I own a machine and have had conversations with this man when bought my omega. I have since bought another to rebuild off Craigs list There was no support just excuses........He just seem to defend his design at the cost of the truth

After uncovering that their customers database maybe in the hands of a disguntled Mfg
I thought it prudent to warn all who may have purchased their equipment.

If I have overstepped the spirit of this site. I apologize to all good members
I hear their volksgarden is made @ some religious colony using child labour and paying no taxes? Sounds of poor business practices.

98.5 posts per Day Ted genius I think you called yourself
I hear their volksgarden is made @ some religious colony using child labour and paying no taxes? Sounds of poor business practices.

98.5 posts per Day Ted genius I think you called yourself


makes its own sauce
Mr. Ganja
Join Date: May 2006​
Location: San Diego, CA​
Posts: 2,518​





I don't know, Bigcool, that's not what appears to be ironic to me. :shock:

Since you created 2 more usernames and are answering your own posts, do you want to keep Bigcool, Karma..TED, or omegagardens?

And really, answering your own posts requires more psychological therapy than we're prepared to give you around here.

HTH :mrgreen:
Cultivation Consultant and
a Sexual Propagator :hump: ___________ :cool: Answering growing questions on the Net for 11 Years :clap:

i believe that this outing by the staff here at says all that needs to be said about the credibility of this poster. and that he is about as smart as homer simpson. i am so smart s - m - r - t - i am so smart ....