Omega Garden

you wouldn't say that if you were "JOHN" 40 east *** street Palmyra PA 17078 Call 717 856 ***1
One of the list of omega users left behind when they bugged out on me. HMMMM bad karma
I can see why everyone hates you and posts "spam" all over your threads. I gave you no reason to be a jackass, you could have kept it civil.

Also, You don't back up your claims at all. You're totally FOS! I don't believe a word you say about any of this stuff. I've checked every post you have ever made and all you do is generalize with no facts or proof of your claims. All this hype and all you have to show for it is one lame thumbnail sized pic? If Omega Garden knew you were an ambassador on their behalf, they would ask you to stop. You are doing their image more harm than good. You're a joke! Later...

Don't listen to this A-hole....ambassador shit this is TED Marchidick the lowlife
guy who stole the omega idea and claims he is the roto guy. He set up the carousel that you see in their website, he could not grow anything with it .

Then the dead beat left this carousel , and bugged out in the middle of the night..........Omega gardens is a deadbeat operator not buy

They were in such a hurry to bug out in the middle of the night .. he left all paperwork, so if you own an Omega be very worried as I have everyones names and addresses. Think I will call some of the omega owners and see how they like the fact that their info was not properly secured..

I also have parts avalilble for the stainless models, as omegafarmer left some parts behind.....and I have all cad drawings if anyone wants other parts..

It has been a year since omega gardens ripped me off....I can't beleive he has got the VOLKSGARDEN to saleability.....junk
I tried to grow in one left behind good The stainless unit at least worked, a real grow machine. The volksgarden is a CHIA pet product. Ted told me "It doesn't have to work as long as the price point is right"
I think the volksgarden is overpriced unusable machine .

Sorry Betty, you could have done so much better.
Lol, at these guys. I've searched all over google for roto mega grows and every website ends up with these two dudes jabbing and tossing haymakers at each other.:)

So do these fucking things actually work like they claim or what ? I'm leaning towards the Roto Grow.

The problem i have is if they actually work ? because there a 4 dudes in my local area alone that have them up for sale at 2g's for the big ones, why would they be selling them if there so good ? are these thing to good to be true or what ? I did see that one guy with all the dank buds over at that bubble site that was impressive.
Lol, at these guys. I've searched all over google for roto mega grows and every website ends up with these two dudes jabbing and tossing haymakers at each other.:)

So do these fucking things actually work like they claim or what ? I'm leaning towards the Roto Grow.

The problem i have is if they actually work ? because there a 4 dudes in my local area alone that have them up for sale at 2g's for the big ones, why would they be selling them if there so good ? are these thing to good to be true or what ? I did see that one guy with all the dank buds over at that bubble site that was impressive.

these machines are for hobbists, not for "real growing", I have not found one grower who purchased an Omega and has ever grown more than a couple of crops , never with huge results. I love grow in my modified rotogarden, love my tomatoes, and grow radishes with my other herbs ............ I have played with the volksgarden but it is not comparable to the big unit. plastik junk.

I have created a grow cube, with roto and full enviro controls , c02 , misting,etc .
uising low cost cocco media i have had great results, great tomatoes
im looking at buying a b-pod 360 has any one used ome or no any one who has or no wher i can look at pics of one or something the seem abit bigger and should have abit better spaceing

i seen a home made roto wheel get done down here on the news afew years ago and it made the pics of the roto gro look silly each plant looked like it was 1.5 to 2 oz's dry with 240 plants in it this thing was no toy
the pics going around on the net of the roto gro where the plants have crosed over are way to tight they could of been alot better
good luck hope you bought it from a hydro store, as Omega gardens is sloppy with their customer info. I would not sleep too good knowing the feds may have your name>>
they dont have my info dude. i bought it direct with money orders. picked it up from the shippers loading doc and only needed to give them a first name, and of course even that didnt have to by my first name.
Glad to hear I only have the name of customers from 2006-mid 2008 when the asshole(omegagardens) bugged out in the middle of the night (without paying his bill)

Way to support bad business practices......Goodluck
so then not revealing who you are while you are telling ppl here conflicting stories and slandering businesses are your good business practices?
Revealing who I am .......HA Coming from a poser (maximusbubblenuts/omegafarmer/anotherchance) selling your junk.........I am not here to sell any snake oil /, just tell it as it is.... man you must think your potential customers are stupid
well you claim to be an ex fabricator for omega, which seems pretty far fetched, and from the discrepancies in your story, such as you saying that you reverse engineered the omega garden, then changed that to saying you were a contracted fabricator blablabla. you are all over the place duude. i am just posting pics of my system. so say its junk. seems to be working well for me so far. from how i was served by omega, i have no worries about security etc, and doubt that there is any truth to your ranting. however if you do happen to have a few volksgardens you wanna get rid of you let me know
If ya want more just check the classifieds

Omegagardens, ripped off more than one fabricator here in Canada, maybe I'll post the the info from one lawsuit so everyone can see that they are not worthy of anyones business. Tonight I phone 3 of the customers (USA) that omega gardens left behind I talked to One and left a message for the other 2. Nick in Phoenix was pissed to learn his info was left behind by OMEGAGARDENS. He says his omega never worked and he sold it for 1/5 original value.,

Nick doesn't think I am far fetched
well i just checked the classifieds and i guess there are more happy customers then there are .....what ever you are. if people were really unhappy with thee things then i believe there would be allot more folks dissing these systems that actually have pictures of failures.

what i see are people praising the system or trying to find out more info on it, and you seem to be the only one claiming to have poor experience with it, but also you fabricated it, oh but before that you reverse engineered it, and now you claim to have customer lists. so why not post nicks phone # if you really have the goods, or maybe a picture of your poor grow in an omega or volks?

i think if you are going to buy anything to do with growing plants and you happen to grow the good ones then you should take care to make sure your ass is covered yourself. like i told you there was no need for me to give any more info then a first name so the shipper guys would know to release the shipment to me.

dont buy bud with your credit card lolol even if your state is medical legal
dude he has pics of his grow, he is an actual grower.. wheres your pics Bigcool? all you do is talk shit and never have anything to back it up.. pony up or fuck off