I can see why everyone hates you and posts "spam" all over your threads. I gave you no reason to be a jackass, you could have kept it civil.
Also, You don't back up your claims at all. You're totally FOS! I don't believe a word you say about any of this stuff. I've checked every post you have ever made and all you do is generalize with no facts or proof of your claims. All this hype and all you have to show for it is one lame thumbnail sized pic? If Omega Garden knew you were an ambassador on their behalf, they would ask you to stop. You are doing their image more harm than good. You're a joke! Later...
Lol, at these guys. I've searched all over google for roto mega grows and every website ends up with these two dudes jabbing and tossing haymakers at each other.
So do these fucking things actually work like they claim or what ? I'm leaning towards the Roto Grow.
The problem i have is if they actually work ? because there a 4 dudes in my local area alone that have them up for sale at 2g's for the big ones, why would they be selling them if there so good ? are these thing to good to be true or what ? I did see that one guy with all the dank buds over at that bubble site that was impressive.