Omega Garden

its getting enough fucking clones i have the problem with 300+. these types of systems are hit or miss if you can hit it your laughing if you miss you could be looking at a lot of bud rot or burnt buds growing in to the light, you have to know your plants like the back of your hand and it looks like a full time job looking after mother plants taking cutting at the exact right time a day or 2 two long in veg could be disastrous and lets face it trying to do 400+ clones incase of losses and it is no easy task to get that many clones all done on time. Iv known people who have used them and got stupid yeilds 2+GPW and they have gave it up because of all the work it involves its hard enough keeping on top of a flat SOG going at full speed never mind one oth thouse LOL
Volksgarden has a maximum plant count of 80 and 40 to 50 is likely going to do as well if not better depending on the plants in question. The 2 light larger units are best operated at around 100 plants. Reason why people pack so many into these things is because of the marketing of the rotary garden manufacturers that use maximum root medium block holding capacity of the systems on their model designations. These companies do a disservice to their customers in doing so. LESS IS MORE!!!!!!!

Search Volksgarden 420 to find published grows.
Hey I Just picked up a used bonsai wheel without the Motor I am having trouble tracking down a new motor for it does any one know where I can purchase parts for this thing I am very anxious to give it a whirl. Thanks
Maximus has NO CLUE what he's talking about! He's never used anything but the little plastic volksgarden... Try using something with substance minimus! GIGROW is the only way to go if you're going roto. Check my thread on the compraison of GIgrow vs. the Omega's . I lay down the truth as i've used BOTH of them. 24" drip wheel vs. 17" flood and drain. I'm an unbiased reviewer but at least I've got some REAL experience with them. If you don't have a roto already - DON'T bother. What Minimus won't tell you is that they are not quite efficeint enough to call them a better yielder than a simple coco grow. CHECK OUT MY THREAD and make the decision for yourself!
I have been looking for as much information as possible on the omega garden! If anyone has any previous use with it please contact me!!!!

I have everything set up and I plan on my first use with an omega garden being a grow journal as well, I believe I will start it this week come tues-wed. I know very little about this machine as it was handed down to me for FREE. So i assume it will be a nice challenge. Pictures will be provided, I hope all the help I can get will be provided as well tehe.

I found some info here, it looks like a new forum strictly for vertical growing.

Thanks man! Great info!

I got started on everything yesterday, and took a few photos. Everything is at the beginning stages, but I will get photos & a journal up soon.

I plan on my first grow being purple kush clones from oaksterdam. I already have 4 mother plants going, and I plan on taking 180 clones.
Maximus has NO CLUE what he's talking about! He's never used anything but the little plastic volksgarden... Try using something with substance minimus! GIGROW is the only way to go if you're going roto. Check my thread on the compraison of GIgrow vs. the Omega's . I lay down the truth as i've used BOTH of them. 24" drip wheel vs. 17" flood and drain. I'm an unbiased reviewer but at least I've got some REAL experience with them. If you don't have a roto already - DON'T bother. What Minimus won't tell you is that they are not quite efficeint enough to call them a better yielder than a simple coco grow. CHECK OUT MY THREAD and make the decision for yourself!

the giblow is the worst of all of the rotary gardens. the so called injection system is a joke. I heard the old distributor Bio Floral owner call it a nightmare get it NIGHTMARE.
Why screw up something as nice and easy as a 'flood and drain' system, it makes no sense at all
I recently saw several rotary gardens in action & all i kept thinking was how anybody could have any free time.

I run 4x8 flood & drain tables with a partner,between the both of us we work about 4 to 5 hrs a day just keeping everything in tip top shape,in the interest of staying within our legal plant count we now outsource all our clones & that saved a few hours a week.

If anybody is thinking of running rotary gardens they do work this i know because ive seen them in action twice now but keep this in mind,you better be prepared to give up having alot of free time.

Even if the grower outsources the cloning he is still looking at a hell of a lot of work keeping everything maintained,things look like they can get out of hand quickly.