OmegaGarden's VolksGarden rotary garden round 2

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Well-Known Member
it curious why they guy claiming to be a rotary bud grower who wont show any pictures of bud in his rotary garden of which he is claims to have many, is now showing lettuce claiming it to be grown from a rotary garden?


Well-Known Member
it curious why they guy claiming to be a rotary bud grower who wont show any pictures of bud in his rotary garden of which he is claims to have many, is now showing lettuce claiming it to be grown from a rotary garden?
Man you are one dumb fuck, you left 7 model 1001 is various state of repair, the carosel, and a couple of volksgarbage behind ++ your customer list.
You know who I am so why would I show you the sweet bud I grow in my full size updated rotogarden. (the full sized model 1001.with improvments)
And you still wanna call me out ..."all in" baby
I am not going to help you sell your junk, knowing u you would call the cops the minute I showed my grows.

You want pictures sure heres another Omega customer u left behind

Keep up your excellent sales technics (see ya in court)



Well-Known Member
now if i was the guy, why would i or anyone else for that matter leave a bunch of valuable items behind if it was as you say "a midnight move"?


Well-Known Member
You can be anyone you want to be this, is the internet.. My only question is why would anyone buy a product from a company that is so loose with customers info

You have been outed as "omegafarmer" and various other names on other threads.
I 100% believe in rotoponics, just not OMEGA they have proven to be very unscrupulous business types.(inferior mind create inferior products)

So u keep trying to flog your undersized.poorly designed, wonder wheel. Some want pics so bad they will believe your actually a grower.

PS I grew 20+ lettuces like the picture, the fact that u can't recognize it as rotary grown. shows how truly stupid u are.


Well-Known Member
now if i was the guy, why would i or anyone else for that matter leave a bunch of valuable items behind if it was as you say "a midnight move"?
Thats the problem, I can,t see much value in this omega junk, the volksgarden are for sale in the classified here and ya can't get $800.00 for them.

There is a bunch of 1001's out here(locally owned) but only one guy that is still uses it, but never seems to produce a full crop, always problems...its very sad to see 200+ baked bud plants because the dam poor design. there is always one problem or another don't lose your whole crop but the yield always suffers. After years They have, only had one great crop, still not near what Omega claims can be produced.

I personally have grown everything from bud to potatoes
(yes potatoes) lettuce.broccoli spinach radish . peppers.. tons of tomatoes in my office not 2 feet from where I sit. I don't use rockwool which is the biggest cost in using ROTOPONICS.

Karma's a bitch


Well-Known Member
well i went looking for used omega units after you talked about it yesterday and there weren't any that where cheap anyway, so unless you have posted a bunch of fake ones since then.....and i wouldn't put it past you.

so lets see your potatoes growing in your system.


Well-Known Member
now if i was the guy, why would i or anyone else for that matter leave a bunch of valuable items behind if it was as you say "a midnight move"?
I heard no mention of a midnight move and see no edits, so I'm starting to side with homie. funny how this thread has changed


Well-Known Member
well i went looking for used omega units after you talked about it yesterday and there weren't any that where cheap anyway, so unless you have posted a bunch of fake ones since then.....and i wouldn't put it past you.

so lets see your potatoes growing in your system.
Now can we all see a bit of "omegafarmer here" LOL
he has checked the paper yesterday although I posted it today, but how could he unless he knows who I am and where I am . OMEGAGARDENS is MAXIMUSBUTULUS

no potatoes for you,


Well-Known Member
Even if it is omegafarmer... at least he's showing a journal now and he's not pushing the products with a rude, defensive attitude. I don't know the beef between you two, but I have seen you catch him in numerous threads and put him out. All of his other threads he's trying to push the product with no proof except from other peoples grows. Here, were getting a weekly picture of whats going on. I could honestly care less of whom it is, as long as I'm seeing proof of how well this thing may work. Did you guys used to work together at the OMEGA plant or something?


Well-Known Member
And if he does really know where you are, I totally understand you not wanting to show your proof of pictures. You may or may not have them but I sure wouldn't risk it.


Well-Known Member
Thank you FDD.

I don't understand why so many of you guys bother holding such grudges. If you don't like the omegas, or omegafarmer, or maximus, just don't read this thread, or any of the other omega threads. Its that simple. I personally don't hold grudges against people, and if some one came into your thread and started bashing you, or your grow, I have no doubt in my mind that you would become a defensive jerk. Thats what so many of you have done to omegafarmer, and are starting to do to maximus. Let the dude grow some weed, and continue to share the outcome.

Also I havn't once heard maximus try to sell us an omega. He started a thread to share what he's growing, period. The thread isn't called "check this out, go buy a volksgarden". Its just a journal of his work, so please, and this isn't directed any any one person. Please stop flaming !!!!! Lets all just get along guys. We all love this plant, and the art of growing it.


Well-Known Member
"can we just grow some pot now? before i have to close this? thanks"

i would have to say that this statement is more likely to egg someone on whos stated intention is disruption


Well-Known Member
"can we just grow some pot now? before i have to close this? thanks"

i would have to say that this statement is more likely to egg someone on whos stated intention is disruption

and now you start with me? what an ass. stop reporting posts then. i'm done babysitting. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Please lets all smoke a blunt, I'm about to light one. I can't wait for the update either! HOw are those girls doing man, just to get back on topic!!


Well-Known Member
"and now you start with me? what an ass. stop reporting posts then. i'm done babysitting."

please tell me where my reasoning is flawed, be sides having the nerve to point out the obvious.
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