Well-Known Member
Very Nice Work Sir. Thanx for sharing the bud porn:eyesmoke:

I am trying like hell to catch




Well-Known Member


I am sooooo looking forward to smoking these ladies ;)

Took these pics with my phone... lol God damn I love my S3...


Well-Known Member
Ok, so here are some more Micro shots too! :D

I'm all pic happy tonight!

And Puff, yeah bro - she smells like fuckin' Grape Jet Fuel... glad I have a Can-Filter... lol



Well-Known Member
I just need to nut up and get some AR51's..

A+ biscuit. Those micro's are great; what're you using to snap the shots? I just got my 60x loupe in the mail, with an iPhone mount. ;)

For under 8 bucks.. say whaat.


Well-Known Member
Hey Beef, you might want to start Spacebomb x GrapeGod if you are to start a few seeds early. I am getting excellent germination rate with it, the others are still too fresh and hit and miss.

I am not sure what grape jet fuel is supposed to smell like , but I harvested my grapegod last night and the smell is OMG!! Kind a like Grape Jet Fuel I guess haha so pungent. I kept sticking my nose in the buds to take big whiffs and I would start to hyperventilate from anticipating the smoke!!! I CANT WAIT!! Having to wait another 3 months before I get to smoke spacebomb x GG is killing me!!! I got 2 babies 12/12 from seed to get quick results. It might take less than 3 months!! I am guessing the flower time will be 50 days. (spacebomb 45-55 days and grapegod 50 days)

I should mention, spacebomb wasnt a big yielder, but grapegod seems to be. However, spacebomb is really potent, I have a hard time finishing my joints, not because I am too high though, but because the resin clogs them EVERYTIME!! I try to roll em looser but it doesnt work, ... still needs a wee-bit of drying though... Anyway, whenever I managed to finish a joint, I was super high, it hits you in the head!!!

I think you will be pleased with this cross, originally I thought SB x NYCD was going to be my best cross but I changed my mind last night after chopping GG. I mean, time will tell but I am expecting better results from SBxGG at this point.

Stay tuned!!! :eyesmoke: I am honoured that you will grow some of my seeds buddy


Well-Known Member
Sick, Sick, Sick and I like it!!

I have a small 40x coming from ebay. My old eyes just don't stir the koolaid like they used too.

Damn nice camera work :weed:

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I checked Pat with the microscope again, and she's still clear/cloudy... no signs on amber yet! I'm guesstimating one week, maybe one and a half.

Enduro, I got them today BTW! So Excited! :D


Well-Known Member
My Brother Beef I Feel So Dirty Cause I Want To Do Unspeakable Things To Your Pat In The Dark :eyesmoke:
She is sexy, isn't she? :D

I didn't know how she was going to turn out, but I'm happy with the lollypopping so far. I hope she still packs on a bit more weight in the last week or so... ;)


Well-Known Member
Update time! Some micro shots to gander at! :D

Some more close ups of "Pat". The First and second pics are the underside of a sugar leaf at low and medium magnification. Third is the top side, and four and five are extreme closeups of the veins on the underside!

She's getting close... probably 2-3 waterings of just water and she'll be finito!


My little girls are growing up! :D Very, very bushy.... going to make excellent SCROGing girls... ;)


Well-Known Member
fucking Christ biscuit.. If I weren't in olive garden I'd blow this quick reply up and start screaming frantically.


I just wanna dip those sugar leaves in some dressing! DAMN IT!!