
Well-Known Member
Edit: It's very strange how you have got 1 healthy plant but the rest look all messed up. You want your Humidity at around 60 or 70% for seedlings, you can pick up a cheap humidifier for about $50 dollars from your local hydroponic shop. If you're growing with that healthy looking plant in there then I would keep your humidity around 50 - 55%
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Well-Known Member
You said they are all at least 4 weeks old there is something wrong my dude. They shouldn't be looking all stunted like that. The best thing you can do at this point is water until run off and feed them 1.5ml of canna A. and 1.5ml of canna B. and then wait until your coco dries out and do the same thing, keep repeating these steps and they should start growing back healthy in no time. You need to make sure you are watering until water comes out of the bottom of the plant pot, then let the coco dry out for 3 or 4 days and do it again.


Well-Known Member
You said you haven't been giving them nutrients, that's why they look all yellow then. They are dying. They don't have feed. Make sure you give them 1.5ml Canna A and 1.5ml Canna B. Per 1 litre of water. And water until run off. until it comes out of the bottom. but not a lot of water, you just want a few mouth fulls of water coming out of the bottom. you don't want it to piss out of the bottom. water the top of the coco slowly with a pipette and then use a syringe to feed the rest once the top bit of the coco is wet. water around the pot in a circle. don't get the main stem wet. you want the roots to search out for the water. after a week or two up the feed to 2ml of canna A and 2ml of canna B per 1 litre of water


Well-Known Member
I grow in coco. I feed them nutes everyday with cx root re gen. They love it. I do it like that becuase it keeps the ph in range. The plants love being fed everyday in coco. That would also raise your rh. Even plants that size I feed everyday. I also get between 10% and 20% run off. The more run off you get, the healthier they are.


Well-Known Member
I grow in coco. I feed them nutes everyday with cx root re gen. They love it. I do it like that becuase it keeps the ph in range. The plants love being fed everyday in coco. That would also raise your rh. Even plants that size I feed everyday. I also get between 10% and 20% run off. The more run off you get, the healthier they are.
yeah, that's something I've learnt in the last week or two, feed All of your plants until you get run off in coco. And never let them sit in the water. pick the plant up and take the run off away. pour it down the toilet or something :-)

Budz Buddy

Active Member
What size are those starter pots ? It's best to start Photo's in something the size of a Solo Cup. Let it grow 4 sets of leaves & then up-pot. It takes a lot less feed that way & you get a well established root system. You should be watering the outer rim of your pots & not the center. You are drowning your roots & cutting off oxygen to them. By watering to the outer rim the roots have to search for water & they grow toward the water & create a stable root system. Yes, Feed Coco every time. pH to 5.8 (same rules as Hydro for Coco grows). Be sure to add 2 ml. of Cal Mag per gal. to your feed to prevent issues. You are in Coco so you will need Cal Mag. When I plant the seed in the Coco I give 25 ml. of water in the center till it sprouts. Once sprouted I give 50 ml. to the outside rim. Once it has 2 sets of leaves I do 100 ml. & at 3 sets I water normal to run off.
I've been close to 100% on my germination doing this.
Here's some pics showing how I do things. I usually put a clear solo cup with holes in the bottom inside a solid colored solo cup. It's nice to be able to lift the clear cup & check the root growth. I also put the solo cups in the pot I'm using for my next up-pot. It makes a perfect hole to set the plant in. Just some tips. Also some of the results so far on my current grow.. I'm using FFOF soil; but I've done Coco & DWC also.



Well-Known Member
yeah, that's something I've learnt in the last week or two, feed All of your plants until you get run off in coco. And never let them sit in the water. pick the plant up and take the run off away. pour it down the toilet or something :-)
I feed my plants. Get run off. I then hoover up the run off with a shop vac. Then fill their tray with fresh nutes. Sometimes silica and magnesium. It saves me raising the ph of the coco too high with silica. Makes the stems very strong, but the roots are literally growing out eh air pots so much that you can't even tell it's coco from the sides. Then in flowering I feed them, hoover the run off, but don't fill their trays. Instead I feed them twice per day. 1 just a bit b4 lights off, then one feed when they switch back on.

Budz Buddy

Active Member
yeah, that's something I've learnt in the last week or two, feed All of your plants until you get run off in coco. And never let them sit in the water. pick the plant up and take the run off away. pour it down the toilet or something :-)
See the pic above with the green pan & wire shelf ? Feed & let the run off evaporate. It will help raise RH.


Well-Known Member
See the pic above with the green pan & wire shelf ? Feed & let the run off evaporate. It will help raise RH.
Ahh yeah, I see. That's what I need to do, right now I am using a little humidifier to help keep the humidity up. When I get a bit more cash together I am going to invest a little bit more into my setup :)

Budz Buddy

Active Member
Oil Drain pans from a dollar store work great for up to 5 gal. pots. 12" x 10' wire shelf about $12 & makes 7 racks for the drain pans. Saves a ton of work.


Well-Known Member
Oil Drain pans from a dollar store work great for up to 5 gal. pots. 12" x 10' wire shelf about $12 & makes 7 racks for the drain pans. Saves a ton of work.
I love my rizzopot stands aka iws auto drain system. Defo worth the hassle is saves pumping away the run off
I don't feed/water coco every day untill it forces me to around weeks 3 to 5 of flower. I run it like soil until then. I have zero runoff until they are on timers.
Seedlings or veg, I give it time to dry up a bit.
I want my fish bones like pipe cleaners. And I want them fast....
I tested most coco and stick with canna. Well flushed and good buffering.
I bell curve up my feeds starting at 400ppm.
I always feed with Cal/Mag till flush to make sure my CES Ca++ and Mg++ keep the Na and K in check. I dont mess with PH as my coco takes care of itself.
I'm forced to put them on feeder timers by week 3 to week 5 of flower.

I've done many side by sides with coco and I get faster starts by not feeding like hydro until my roots are established.
I've lived in dry climates with under 20%RH never had any negative effect on seedlings or veg plants.

Budz Buddy

Active Member
I don't feed/water coco every day untill it forces me to around weeks 3 to 5 of flower. I run it like soil until then. I have zero runoff until they are on timers.
Seedlings or veg, I give it time to dry up a bit.
I want my fish bones like pipe cleaners. And I want them fast....
I tested most coco and stick with canna. Well flushed and good buffering.
I bell curve up my feeds starting at 400ppm.
I always feed with Cal/Mag till flush to make sure my CES Ca++ and Mg++ keep the Na and K in check. I dont mess with PH as my coco takes care of itself.
I'm forced to put them on feeder timers by week 3 to week 5 of flower.

I've done many side by sides with coco and I get faster starts by not feeding like hydro until my roots are established.
I've lived in dry climates with under 20%RH never had any negative effect on seedlings or veg plants.
What kind of Coco do you use that you don't have to pH nutes with ? 4 years of growing & have never heard this before or have came across coco that self buffers. I want to buy some to use in some Auto Pots. Any info on it would be great.
What kind of Coco do you use that you don't have to pH nutes with ? 4 years of growing & have never heard this before or have came across coco that self buffers. I want to buy some to use in some Auto Pots. Any info on it would be great.
Canna washes and pre buffers their coco.
Adding Ca and Mg continues to buffer the coco.
I don't PH my nutes as my coco controls the PH in ideal range.