OMG! This Beautiful Bud Sucks!! with Pics!!


Today I got some Beautiful Buds :weed:from a friend of mine. I could not wait to get home and smoke on some of that Sexy Lady. A soon as I got here I quickly kissed past my wife & kids, went out back to my smoke shack where I sat in my comfortable chair and toked up on that fresh, sweet tasting ganja.
The smell was nice and pungent (smelled kinda like purple kush):o, it had lots of trichs (frosty as hell), And it broke down perfectly.
The high came slow and.... and...... %$#@! "I'M NOT HIGH"!!!! :evil:
It's only 1 and a half hours later and my high is GONE!!!

Please Someone Tell me why!!!
I have a couple plants 2weeks into flowering and I don't want to mess up my final product.

Is it the nutes?

Did this happen from too much flushing?

Is it the seeds? Stress!? Temp.!!!?!?:???:

P.S. If you cant tell, I'm nervous cause I don't want my 8 months of hard work (First Grow) to go bad because of my own ignorance.
Thanks to all that respond. All answers welcome cause I am a REAL Newbie and I need the help.
But b nice this is my first post.:cool:


Active Member
Here are the pis of the weed!!:weed:

Yeah looks good but this shit sucks:spew:

I've gotten a batch of weed a long time ago that looked awesome and didn't get me high either. I was told by someone that the weed was vaporized and the THC was removed...


Well-Known Member
Ive let my sativas go 16 weeks in flower and never , ever have i tried bud that was too matured...

It only gets more and more awesome with time tbh... Nothing beats a narcotic upper....

Id rather guess he harvested to soon.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy 12-13 week Sativas also though ;)

But when i wanna get really really fucked up i smoke the old queens ;D


Well-Known Member
also.... if its dried then smoked rite doesn't get to cure,,which is were the real magic starts to happen... after drying I like to cure for at least 4 weeks,, I can really tell the difference the thc matures and the smoke is way,way stronger..... :^)


Global Moderator
Staff member
I'm with you on the long cure - I've got Widow from 2 years ago that will blow you away. It is simply TASTY & a mind bender.


Active Member
"Ive got widow from 2 years ago" WHAT........ thats like a fine wine, how the hell do you manage holding out on that brotha hahahaha. I have some hindu from a last grow thats only about 4 months old and its TASTY. Cant imagine what your widow taste like!


Global Moderator
Staff member
I grow a couple pounds each time and since I dont sell we have copious amounts. Fuck dude I give it away to my friends.
Close friends of course.

And fine wine is precisely what it is.


Active Member
^^^i wish i was ur friend shit! thats cool tho., does like aged weed that long really matter? im takin its in mason jars?

but dont really look to good, i mean its okay, i def. would of been doin the same thing u did tho., but yea if he didnt cure it right an he quick dryed a batch he might of overheated it or sum, or harvested to soon, i just know i wouldnt of been excited bout that, only if i had a digital camera:(, but yea just make sure u keep on top of things yours will be amazin'.


New Member's almost all genetics. As you have just learned, you can not judge potency from the looks or smell of pot. Even being coated in trichomes doesn't guarantee that the weed will have good potency.

It's definitely NOT vaped, the weed needs to be ground up to get all the stuff out, and the color changes, it gets brittle...etc. smoking is the only way to know.


also.... if its dried then smoked rite doesn't get to cure,,which is were the real magic starts to happen... after drying I like to cure for at least 4 weeks,, I can really tell the difference the thc matures and the smoke is way,way stronger..... :^)
Ok Jats, that sounds logical. i think you may be right on this one. Thanks

I'm with you on the long cure - I've got Widow from 2 years ago that will blow you away. It is simply TASTY & a mind bender.
Ok now GreatwhiteNorth, if weed looses potency over time, how could you still have potent weed after 2 years. please I gotta know this!'s almost all genetics. As you have just learned, you can not judge potency from the looks or smell of pot. Even being coated in trichomes doesn't guarantee that the weed will have good potency.

It's definitely NOT vaped, the weed needs to be ground up to get all the stuff out, and the color changes, it gets brittle...etc. smoking is the only way to know.
Thanks Pinkus! So when do you think that I should start testing my bud for potency. This sound like lots of fun:bigjoint:


New Member
also.... if its dried then smoked rite doesn't get to cure,,which is were the real magic starts to happen... after drying I like to cure for at least 4 weeks,, I can really tell the difference the thc matures and the smoke is way,way stronger..... :^)
I missed this the first read...definately weed gets stronger until it is fully dried, and i do believe a cure helps it too....some will disagree on that. The THC is not active until the carboxyl group is oxidised.

but i'm betting it will still not be to good after the dry. Sorry keebee


Well-Known Member
Fuck I've had weed that lasted for about 5 hours worth of high. Shit was very very intense. I don't like weed that when I wake up I'm still high. Much rather weed that lasts 2 hours. That's the reason I don't buy exotic weed anymore.


Active Member
I've gotten a batch of weed a long time ago that looked awesome and didn't get me high either. I was told by someone that the weed was vaporized and the THC was removed...
if it was vaped it would be grinded up and brown and no smell really trust me i vap everyday and no 1 sticks whole nugs into a vap


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ok now GreatwhiteNorth, if weed looses potency over time, how could you still have potent weed after 2 years. please I gotta know this!
I'm not sure how long "Over time" is, I'm just saying I have weed that I grew 2 years ago that is vacuum sealed twice & also in a vacuum proof container that looks, tastes, & gets you high as good or better than my last run. I really don't know how long it will be this good, but I have enough to wait & give a report.


Fuck I've had weed that lasted for about 5 hours worth of high. Shit was very very intense. I don't like weed that when I wake up I'm still high. Much rather weed that lasts 2 hours. That's the reason I don't buy exotic weed anymore.
Can you remember the the name of that Bud. I don't think I've ever been high for more than three hours off some bomb.