Well-Known Member
you should maybe wait til you can buy a bag o soil it's not that expensive and your plants will live long enough for you to learn sumthin from em
lol yea a mid 20s dude riding a bike with a bag of mg across town {thats not wierd and suspisios}soil is 10 bucks, ride your bike for a day and save the gas money for a bag of soil, lol
There ya go student!lol hyponex at wal-mart is 96cents per 10lbs bags, you can't afford that??
I laughed really hard at this.hahaha he's sooo dirt poor, he can't even afford dirt!
im freaking sick of people saying DIRT i have told u i have no car !!! it has no gas and the nerest gas station is 35 miles away !!! iv been trying to get gas but since my own job is within walking distance i havent got the time and my gf is living with her parents and has a job and is taking classes so she can get me gas till next week iv been stuck in my house for a loung time with my canned goods and tv dinners for like 2 weeksYa and uh... how about not transplanting a 3 day old plant?
I guess you're trying to make due with what you have, but you aren't gonna get much support from most folks around here if you don't at least have the basics taken care of. Soil is cheap, a pot is even cheaper. If you can't afford these 2 essentials, what were you planning on doing for nutrients?
You are cruising for a failed grow, and trust me when I tell you that it is VERY DIFFIFULT to completely fuck up a grow. Marijuana is a very resiliant plant and it takes quite a bit to blow it altogether, but you're doing your best. Get your act together quick and you might salvage what you've started... otherwise, just get rid of those things and try again when you've got $20 to spare.