omg wow!!


Active Member
today i went to go check up on my plants, i was very pissed at what i saw! i have two plants and on of them, half of it has been eatin. now i noticed that there is a ground hog hole about 10 feet away. could it be the ground hog or a deer? Deer are very popular where i live. is there any way to keep them away without using repelent or putting a fence around it?


Well-Known Member
it might be illegal but either way its mean

just piss 10 feet around your plants every time u go there it will keep most predators away


Well-Known Member
kill the ground hog, and the thoughts exactly.....make a hat and a pair of good work pants/shirt+get a winters worth of meat. poaching may be illegal but so is pot.

The pissing when you go down there is still a really good idea, its not just a dog thing.........everything in nature uses its piss/musk to mark its territory, its like saying "this is my house, be warned of me", and the stronger the piss, the scarier you smell to the animals. (humans are un-natural in our current socio-economic status)

Edit: deers dont like blood ethier, so if you do kill the deer, gut and skin it around the patch so the ground gets blood soaked, there wont be much of a deer problem anymore. just not to close to your plants, i dont know what blood would do as a nutrient :P
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Active Member
some animals hate the smell of ammonia, so get some strong bleach and squirt it around, not too close to your plants. if that doesnt work, buy an air rifle. stay there for a couple of hours, then shoot the fucker.


Well-Known Member
feed coyotes at your plot with the remains of the deer and groundhog and they'll piss for you! keep squirrels away for sure!


Active Member
well the deer i think r fine cuz my dog always chases them and stuff, so there good, its just the ground hogs, they ate half my fucking plant!! o and do they like eating the plant?? cuz i herd that deer will try it but they dont like it or something?? idk and also how long does the piss smell for the animals last? thanks


Well-Known Member
well have you seen caddyshack right so if you have you see how you hit a joint swig some wine holla CANNONBALL and blow that f@#ker up


Active Member
well have you seen caddyshack right so if you have you see how you hit a joint swig some wine holla CANNONBALL and blow that f@#ker up

But yea, piss everytime you go; fence wouldnt hurt though would cause attraction to others


Well-Known Member
those ground hogs are nasty they got mine a few years back. i was just harding them off and he got themdid not eat them as much as he destroyed them.. leave the deer alone you can keep them off your plants till they are big enough ..kill one there will be another and you dont want all the attetion.. worry about the slugs too ..