
How do we pronounce it

  • Om-i-cron

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • O-micron

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Omnicrom, because that's what I heard them say it.

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
The variant came by plane.
From vaccinated people.
Who privided PCR tests.

Winning? The entire strategy against covid is a failure.
How bad would it have been like if we just rolled over and said it is just God's way like the people in the south east corner of my province? (only 15% vaccinated) And what would you have had us do?
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The variant came by plane.
From vaccinated people.
Who privided PCR tests.

Winning? The entire strategy against covid is a failure.
^ bold text. You don't know this.

As far as winning, more than a hundred thousand died from Covid in the US after the vaccines were available to everyone. At least 16 million were infected and about 5 million of those unnecessary cases end up with long haul covid. Virtually all of those cases were unvaccinated people. So, I wouldn't crow about "winning" but I would call the people who were not vaxxed after May 1 and ended up either dead or a long hauler -- losers.

Omicron is stalking the so-called natural immunity types. People who recovered from delta or the wild strains of this virus are unprotected. Enjoy breathing while you can. We already know for certain that people who aren't vaccinated are easily overcome by the new strain that is headed our way. Vaccination provides protection, we also know this now. The only remaining question is how much.
The variant came by plane.
From vaccinated people.
Who privided PCR tests.

Winning? The entire strategy against covid is a failure.
you're just being ignorant now, over 800k dead, with the vaccines, it could and would easily be 50 to 100% higher with no vaccines. more variant breeders, more new strains that we have to scramble to deal with...but some people just want to ignore it, they say they're young and healthy...
tell that to the 50k plus young healthy people who died from covid in the last two years...
How bad would it have been like if we just rolled over and said it is just God's way like the people in the south east corner of my province? (only 15% vaccinated) And what would you have had us do?
Another bullshit post. You Qtards are full of it.

How did Omicron variant arrive in Australia? Two people tested positive on arrival at an Australian airport.

What is certain is Qtards love them their "appeal to ignorance" logical fallacy. It's going to take a few weeks before we have enough information to say how much protection vaccination provides people. Meanwhile you guys just just make shit up. Meanwhile medical science does the hard work. Medical science has saved millions of lives. Your kind has killed hundreds of thousands. It's a sad thing when the best one can say of your kind is "could be worse".
But at least Pfizer got their money!!!

A fully vaccinated and boosted Israeli doctor who became infected with the Omicron variant appears to have only passed the bug on to one other person — despite coming into close contact with dozens of people.

Dr. Elad Maor, a cardiologist at Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv, told the UK’s Guardian he came down with symptoms and tested positive after attending a three-day conference in London over the weekend.

“I got the Omicron in London, for sure,” Maor, who has received three doses of the Pfizer vaccine.
you're just being ignorant now, over 800k dead, with the vaccines, it could and would easily be 50 to 100% higher with no vaccines. more variant breeders, more new strains that we have to scramble to deal with...but some people just want to ignore it, they say they're young and healthy...
tell that to the 50k plus young healthy people who died from covid in the last two years...

Et tu Soccer players ?
Medical science has saved millions of lives.

I think it was a John Hopkins report saying medically caused deaths (doctor, nurse, pharma fuckups etc.) was the third leading cause of death.

I'd guess obesity related concerns might be the first.

Of course an argument could be made that being born is the leading cause of death, since so far, everyone born eventually dies. :P
We have a pocket of our province that are mainly unvaccinated. We have 85% of our population vaccinated which includes this corner, if they were vaxed we probably would be in the 90%. Yes vaxinated people are getting sick and ending up in hospital. But it is generally the elderly and those with health problems but they are only about 20% of the people in hospital, the other 80% are unvaxed. So 15% of our population that live fairly spread out are causing 80% of the hospitalized.
. . . . . . Winning? . . . . . . . .
You are doing great work. 100K were infected with Delta yesterday. 100K will be infected today. 100K will be infected tomorrow. While the number of them who die will be relatively small, you can be proud of each and every one of them. Without people like you who cast doubt on public safety measures, there would be many less folks dying. So congratulations.
My next door neighbor was taken to the hospital the other day by ambulance. She's elderly and she made it, but I doubt she would have if she weren't vaccinated-I know she's vaccinated because I drove her to her appointments. These idiots who think Covid is BS must be seriously anti-social if they don't know a bunch of people who died and who barely survived this thing.
My next door neighbor was taken to the hospital the other day by ambulance. She's elderly and she made it, but I doubt she would have if she weren't vaccinated-I know she's vaccinated because I drove her to her appointments. These idiots who think Covid is BS must be seriously anti-social if they don't know a bunch of people who died and who barely survived this thing.
One of my wife's facebook memories this morning were from one year ago when a friend of ours died from covid. (the man's wife caught it too, but she lived) We would run into them at the diner all the time. It sure doesn't seem like it's been a year. Time flies, no matter if you are having fun or not.
Large numbers of children under 5 are being hospitalized in South Africa with Omi, not a good sign. Most bad infections there are under 5 and over 60.
It is pretty complicated, but it would be nearly impossible to draw parallels with any group in the USA.
Its not that we don;t have vacines even... there is a certain demographic who are refusing, and they tend to live in very high-density neighbourhoods too