
How do we pronounce it

  • Om-i-cron

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • O-micron

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Omnicrom, because that's what I heard them say it.

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
I believe cyanoacrylate vapor can be used to develop prints.

They use that in a sealed glass box. The fumes react with skin oils and fluorese(sp?) the prints on stuff like paper, skin etc.

I was right into the Hardy Boys when I was a kid and studied their Detective Handbook. Got a fingerprint kit from a habby store in Vancouver and drove my folks nuts dusting the whole house for prints. Leaving black powder all over the place pissed my mom right off. Had sets of prints for the whole damn family. Still have almost the whole collection of their books and a lot of Tom Swift too. The old ones from the 50s-60s before they got all politically corrected like the reprints.

I wonder if the two approaches give similar results.

For different needs. On most surfaces you use a really fine brush, like a womans face powder brush, to gently dust the area where you think there are prints and the powder sticks to the whorls of the print. Then you lay a piece of clear tape over it and peel it off with the print. Or take good close-up photos. Different coloured powders for different coloured surfaces too so you can see the prints better.

Put a big thumbprint on the screen of your phone, dust with talcum powder then shake/blow off the excess. Ta da!

You'll see it better if the screen is dark. I have some super fine decolourizing charcoal that would probably work great.

For different needs. On most surfaces you use a really fine brush, like a womans face powder brush, to gently dust the area where you think there are prints and the powder sticks to the whorls of the print. Then you lay a piece of clear tape over it and peel it off with the print. Or take good close-up photos. Different coloured powders for different coloured surfaces too so you can see the prints better.

Put a big thumbprint on the screen of your phone, dust with talcum powder then shake/blow off the excess. Ta da!

You'll see it better if the screen is dark. I have some super fine decolourizing charcoal that would probably work great.

I have some Norit somewhere
I have some Norit somewhere

Is it fine like talcum powder? I looked it up and couldn't fined a sieve size for it. Activated charcoal/carbon comes in various grain sizes for different uses.

This stuff I have is like dust. Added some to a vial of iso extract that was part of a batch I was doing. Shook it up real good and it took about a week to settle out then the liquid looked like pure water. I might make a small batch of QWISO and treat it with that then evap the iso and see how the oil looks and if the THC didn't all end up in the carbon at the bottom. Be great if it turns our clear and still fucks you up good. :)

you post reads like a magat who's trying to troll and failing badly at it wrote it...if you weren't an obvious moron i might give a damn what you thought of my posts.
I feel like you do. You had a very visceral response to a joke. Have some joy in your life. Shaking your fist while yelling at the sky is bad for the blood.
it would tickle me pink if this tore through the antivaxx magats like trump tearing through cheetos...decimate the republicans, decimate their voting base, decimate the antivaxx "community", decimate all the deplorables...while the vaccinated get to stand back and watch them die...omg, if it took greene, boebert, gosar, gaetz, meadows, fuck it, manchin and sinema...i would count it a scourge from God...and i'm not even close to religious
A 10% reduction would be great, but why stop there?

this predict was from August 28th way before November's Omicron variant announcement.

if you've been following my predictions, you know i've said 4th QTR is going to be the worst we've ever seen with Walmart Parking Lot Pyres.

i wasn't kidding.

i really hope i'm wrong..because i'm wrong occassionally.
Is it fine like talcum powder? I looked it up and couldn't fined a sieve size for it. Activated charcoal/carbon comes in various grain sizes for different uses.

This stuff I have is like dust. Added some to a vial of iso extract that was part of a batch I was doing. Shook it up real good and it took about a week to settle out then the liquid looked like pure water. I might make a small batch of QWISO and treat it with that then evap the iso and see how the oil looks and if the THC didn't all end up in the carbon at the bottom. Be great if it turns our clear and still fucks you up good. :)

Mine is pretty dusty, I wager it passes through 400 mesh.

Color-wise I find it takes out all the green, but not the orange brown.
I mix 1part Norit with 3 parts (volume) diatomaceous earth. Flows better.