on cops radar how would you handle it?


Active Member
How would you handle it?

-If you knew (without a doubt) your neighbors have told the police they think you grow weed

-have police cars roll up and stop in front of your house and sit there for about a minuet about once to twice a month.

- you have your green card and documentation.

Would you just blow it off and hope they never kick your door in and shoot your dog claiming they had to do it in self defense? OR would you walk out and show the cop sitting in front of your house your green card and see if that gets them to settle down?
Its not what someone thinks they might know. Its what they can prove. If your grow is solid and you know they can't get you for anything, then fuck'em.
Its not what someone thinks they might know. Its what they can prove. If your grow is solid and you know they can't get you for anything, then fuck'em.

nuff said.. lawl. and if i were you i would go up to them and ask why you are sitting in front of my house. if they tell you they have had some complaints then show the card if they give you some other reason it will let them know you see them and notice them maybe making them go away?
nuff said.. lawl. and if i were you i would go up to them and ask why you are sitting in front of my house. if they tell you they have had some complaints then show the card if they give you some other reason it will let them know you see them and notice them maybe making them go away?

Yeah I know they can't get me for anything, but we've had a couple stories in local papers in the last year. One for example of police busting down the door to a guys place who only had two plants. They found out at that point he had a card and was legal, apologized and left. They had brought a dog by for a sniff got a warrant (somehow the paperwork showing probable cause is missing, this was pointed out by the paper) Another story of them busting down the door and shooting a guys pitbull while raiding another fully legal grow. I'm sure the best thing to do is just blow it off, they're probably just trying to scare me. But part of me wants to walk out and do just what you said...

If it were only my black lab I wouldn't be worried, but I also own a pitbull and I think the police would just shoot him if they kicked in the door.
Maybe the cops are just making a show for the neighbors to shut them up. Are they constantly calling cops on people? I had neighbor like that once. They were a real pain in the ass. I wish you the best and hopefully no problems.
well thanks Jointed! I figured ignoring them is the best option and you guys all seem to think so to.. so I'll just keep on keepin on.
well if the cops come to your door and want in or anything and you are legit with legal papers allowing you to cultivate cannabis and possess it, then fuck it. don't worry, they won't do anything, they can't do anything.. im assuming you are in a med state right?
Go out there with a huge blunt in your mouth wearing full old style mafia clothing. Pin stripped suit, the lot.

Also, if you put on a gangster voice this will be more reassuring.
hey and if they kick your door in and put a gun in your face and shoot your dog you can sue the shit outa them and rename the police force something cool
just sayin lol ok but yah you souldent have anything to worry about tell your nabores to keep there nose outa your shit and every day at smoke a fat ass blunt so the smoke and smell pisses them off fuck it take off your carbon scrubber for a few hours or weeks lol
be safe happy growing and Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one
For a punk muthafucka with a badge and a gun
To be beatin on, and throwin in jail
We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell
NEXT time you see them, Walk outside Putting a JOINT OUT. Baked, ask them if they need any help.. and act asif its normal to Be HIGH AS A KITE at your house. Tell them your HIGH for god sakes, show them the ID. I smoke outside, to let my neighbors know I smoke and have Weed. That Kinda Saves them the Thought that I might grow it. If you act like its not Taboo, smoke it freely. They might just think your a POT head and not a grower
How would you handle it?

-If you knew (without a doubt) your neighbors have told the police they think you grow weed

-have police cars roll up and stop in front of your house and sit there for about a minuet about once to twice a month.

- you have your green card and documentation.

Would you just blow it off and hope they never kick your door in and shoot your dog claiming they had to do it in self defense? OR would you walk out and show the cop sitting in front of your house your green card and see if that gets them to settle down?
i hope they come a check me out and hope they tear my shit up cuz i have a full security system up and i would have there ass. oh but wait i have a no treaspasing sign up so they don't even come on my property. and if they do they better have a search warrent.
I was going to tell you to ignore them or tell them to fuck off, until i goto the aprt about a greencard.

WTF is the issue if you've got a card, why the fuck are you worried?????
Then your greencard and documentation would be irrelevent and this would be the discussion of what you'd do if illegally growing cannabis.
I figure its safe to be 2-4 plants over the Limit.. cause you can hold 2 plants per hand, and depending on what kinda fireplace you have, shouldnt take more than 15-30 sec to shove thoes babies on in their... before answering the Door.
I figure its safe to be 2-4 plants over the Limit.. cause you can hold 2 plants per hand, and depending on what kinda fireplace you have, shouldnt take more than 15-30 sec to shove thoes babies on in their... before answering the Door.

well if you can get them in the fire before the cops come in then you're still legal. You're either a legal or illegal grower :D it's not much more complicated than that (until the policecar becomes a blacked out 4x4, then you might step up the worry level :D). The police either have power to arrest you or they don't, so if you are within your limit and have your documents as suggested, there is no issue.
Next time the cops are in front of your house place your documentation and green card as you say in the window. You know though they could be there for an entirely different reason. Why not find out by listening to the police bands/radio? You can probably find your local broadcast online.