i would go out and talk to them.
no need to worry about this for no reason.
no need to worry about this for no reason.
alright dude i had his happen to me in my outdoor season of 2010. I had 12 plants in my back yard and the were huge im talking 8' lol my neigboors told the cops and with in two days i started noticing cops out by my sidewalk i started to panic real fast like i have never been before becuase i had over me legal limit which was 6 but my sis had hers to so i was a total of 12 plants i thought it might be ok but i was not sure eventually the cops knocked on my door claiming they had ordinince issues with the proporty and they first place they went was my back yard and towards my plants there was nothing i could do so i just went with it. my plants were locked in a 10 x 14 foot corral the cops asked if they could go inside and i looked them straight in the eyes and said go ahead i have my paperwork ready. they walked in took pictures check total amount and asked whos r these i said mine! they look me staight in the eyes and said OK they continued to walk around my property looking for somthing lol they were just blowing smoke hahah. Right before they left they said "and be sure to cut your front lawn please thanks" but they would comeback every 3 to 5 weeks after that claiming some ordinance bullshit lol i let them in because i had nothing to hide and i knew that if they pulled my shit i could sue the city.. i eventually croped all 12 plants and ended up with over 4 pounds right under there noses lol. it was a good experience i am no longer scared of cops lol i FLEX my rights prop215 and SB420
BITCHes lol all i can say it say with in your limits and you will be ok.... here are some pics of what i had going on
That must have been an unbelievable feeling of relief afterwards. I would have been extremely hyper afterwards. Maybe they thought things were contained enough? Are there specifics as to the dimension of an outdoor grow? Whatever the case I need to move.
And you had quite a jungle! lol Your tomatoes were getting killed. It's like Sigmund the Sea Monster. I'm jealous I wish I could try that.no specifics specs on out door spacing that i know of but its nice to keep them contained
NEXT time you see them, Walk outside Putting a JOINT OUT. Baked, ask them if they need any help.. and act asif its normal to Be HIGH AS A KITE at your house. Tell them your HIGH for god sakes, show them the ID. I smoke outside, to let my neighbors know I smoke and have Weed. That Kinda Saves them the Thought that I might grow it. If you act like its not Taboo, smoke it freely. They might just think your a POT head and not a grower