On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed

Yes I did ... he say the NYT didn't have anything on the issue ... they do ... it's only laughable to idiots like you that pretend there is no evidence ... duh ... it's not on teevee or in newspapers so ... duh ... it can't be true ...
Ignorance is certainly bliss ...
Umm, GR, the Times simply reported what Vermont and San Fran. did
This has nothing whatsoever to do with what the NYT has reported for ITSELF!
How can you not see this?
The NYT would love to publish something with their own journalists exposing these alleged insidious crimes...they have NOT yet done so.
Holy Cow!

The blind leading the blind.

Wexler is a bigger doofus than GWB could ever be...
A shameless publicity seeking huckster...
Randi Rhodes is somewhat entertaining...I used to listen to her show when I lived in South FL.

Again the dumbass bushie projecting his own short comings on others ... only a brown nose nazi like you would think this shameless publicity ... the illegitimate war criminal wants to know why your nose isn't up is ass now ... you better get going ... :neutral:
Wow what a brilliant retort from med jr.
Is that all you can say?
You certainly are quite eloquent...you have changed my mind!
Umm, GR, the Times simply reported what Vermont and San Fran. did
This has nothing whatsoever to do with what the NYT has reported for ITSELF!
How can you not see this?
The NYT would love to publish something with their own journalists exposing these alleged insidious crimes...they have NOT yet done so.
Holy Cow!

Why the fuck would they when they help lie about the war and surpress reports about domestic spying ... you are such a nazi dumbass ...
Wow what a brilliant retort from med jr.
Is that all you can say?
You certainly are quite eloquent...you have changed my mind!

You don't have a mind to chance dumbass and it's a pleasure being eloquent with the like of you ... :neutral:
More of your dazzling wit on display?
I am overwhelmed by the sheer logic of your post!
~lol~ ... Its just amazing how fascist liberals throw out the "Nazi" word when they get backed into a corner. I love it. :hump:

~lol~ ... Its just amazing how fascist liberals throw out the "Nazi" word when they get backed into a corner. I love it. :hump:


It's equally amazing how dumbass bushies think they have back someone in a corner when they haven't ... I adore it ... :neutral:
In a war, the winning side determines where the battle is fought. Dubya chose Iraq. Big fucking deal.

I fail to see why any president should be impeached for prosecuting a war he did not start.
Then what's the standard retort of liberal women, if thats what you mean by don't have one. "My vagina is smaller than your vagina!"??? Please, I'm curious!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Oh, it's dumbass bushie, or nazi dumbass, or brown nosed nazi. Thanks for the quick response GR!:mrgreen:
If the gutless Democrats had 1/10th the balls of the Repukes, they would have appointed a special prosecutor long ago. The whole shootin match is in complicity if you ask me. The dems for not taking action and the repukes for standing with the assholes.

Dear medicineman,

You have raised an interesting question. Without regards as to whether it is reasonable or specious, I would like to make one point.

Throughout history, a special prosecutor is normally reserved for cases of conspiracy to obstruct justice. If a person, or a number of persons, commit alleged crimes randomly a special prosecutor does not usually come into play.

What I have seen suggested here, and other places, is a clever scheme to deceive, not a conspiracy of a group.
In a war, the winning side determines where the battle is fought. Dubya chose Iraq. Big fucking deal.

I fail to see why any president should be impeached for prosecuting a war he did not start.
What do you mean a war he did not start? Who started the war then, Iraq? How do you figure they started a war with us?
Yes I did ... he say the NYT didn't have anything on the issue ... they do ... it's only laughable to idiots like you that pretend there is no evidence ... duh ... it's not on teevee or in newspapers so ... duh ... it can't be true ...
Ignorance is certainly bliss ...

No, I wanted evidence. The bullshit articles you linked are stories of pro-impeachment fools like you. I still haven't seen the Times or BBC say, "these people commited these crimes and here is our proof". They run these articles on you pussy nutjobs and you think I give a fuck. Sit and spin.:mrgreen:
McGovern urges Bush's impeachment
Story about a nut, no evidence.

Should George Bush be impeached over Iraq?
Story about the views of nuts with no evidence of crimes.

... and let's not forget this wonderful piece by BBC ...
BBC Documentary ... Bush STOLE 2004 Election

Off topic, I don't like Bush either.

NYT:Push for Impeachment

NYT on Impeachment

Both of these are stories about pussies supporting impeachment. Neither provide the evidence of crimes that I asked for.

So start making up an excuse for not believing ... bushies think they are really good at it ... :roll:

I don't need an excuse. I just want that evidence you keep promising me.
I want a smoking gun. The evidence that says undoubtedly that a crime was commited and what that crime was. I keep hearing, "IMPEACH, IMPEACH!" without solid grounds and evidence. Shit, they had tons of evidence against OJ(including two bodies) and he got away with double murder. I think they need more than rantings of loonatics to impeach Cheney.

I don't need an excuse. I just want that evidence you keep promising me.
I want a smoking gun. The evidence that says undoubtedly that a crime was commited and what that crime was. I keep hearing, "IMPEACH, IMPEACH!" without solid grounds and evidence. Shit, they had tons of evidence against OJ(including two bodies) and he got away with double murder. I think they need more than rantings of loonatics to impeach Cheney.

What you need is some solid proof of conspiracy to obstruct justice, of evidence tampering, or of witness tampering. Otherwise you have common political hatred.

The ONLY plausible source, as I see it, is Colin Powell. The general was hood-winked with tainted evidence. He was faced with stuff from Cheney and stuff from George Tenet. He thought Mr. Tenet was a partisan liar. But in fact, Tenet was probably telling the truth to General Powell, when he tried to prevent him from going to the United Nations with the case for war.

What you need is some solid proof of conspiracy to obstruct justice, of evidence tampering, or of witness tampering. Otherwise you have common political hatred.

That is precisely why impeachment will never happen. The maniacal dictator Bush will be going bye bye in about one year.
Time to get over it and move on.