On the right track???


Active Member
hello fellow potheads, ok so heres the deal, i got some seeds from a buddy of mine, germinated 4 of them with damp paper towel in my closet (only took 2 days for roots to come out of them) got my self pretty excited now! ok so now i put theses mo-fos in some cheap soil in these things called jiffy cups... friend told me they were good for starting seed cuz when they get bigger the roots will grow right out of the cup(makes things easyer later when having to transfer into biger pot). i put the root facing down as best i could.. and now have them inside my house next to the window where theres lots of good sunlight! but i guess what my guestion is how long will they take to sprout? and if they dont what did i do wrong? ... weathers gettin shitty gonna move them into my closet soon when the spought anget 3-4 onches big so i guess my other question would be whats the cheapest way i can go aout this, i have a very small budget and any household lighting tips would be muchly appreciated. so cheers smoke a fatty get back to me when ur done thnx pce.


Active Member
if you are on a budget, get some cfl bulbs..you dont need your seedlings in the light yet..wait untill they sprout above soil .. when they do sprout above soil keep the light above your new plants oh about 1 to 3"..that should be fine. you dont want to burn the leaves up....good luck!


Active Member
CFL bulbs? whats that long form for? are they going to make me poor? lol everybody i have talked to about lights has informed me id be spending2-3 hundred on a set, i now have 8 seedling sprouted above the dirt, they have all grown the first two main leaves and my oldest plant has begun to show two more really small one comming in the middle, what stage am i at? and what can i expect next?


Active Member
So it's been awhile, i now have 13 plants, my furthest is about 6 inches tall, has 4 sets of 3-bladed leaves and in my opinion is doing awesome, my question is whats next? the growth has slowed down, but they still look healthy, just wanna know how much long er and what will happen before i can smoke some of my new home grown shit u know?


Active Member

Check out all the sticky's for growing. It will help you out a lot doing a little research! :weed:


Well-Known Member
milkdawg, do a little research, gooogle it "how to grow weed indoors", you will be surprised at how cheap and little effort it takes to grow the magical herb...

Kevin A

Active Member
I believe CFL's are the way to go. If you use CFL's, your looking at spending anywhere from $20-60 on your lighting system. Thats with buying the light bulbs, the power strips, Y-Sockets and the adapters to plug up your light bulb to the power strip.

Sounds like it may be alot to do, thats what I thought Too. It just takes a little bit of time and patience.

Remember Rome wasnt built in a day, and Killer bud isnt grown in a day.

If you dont mind me asking what is your budget??