On the right track?

Killer Sativa

Well-Known Member
Do any of you take samples near the end of the flowering stage? If so I would image only during the last few weeks? I really don't have a reason other than wondering.

Killer Sativa

Well-Known Member
all of them look way better than mine does and mine is on week 4 :(
Don't get bummed out man! There could be many reasons that yours don't seem as far along. I started with some clones and I have been gardening for 30 years. This is my first indoor grow but the principal is the same. Just because they look good doesnt mean they smoke well, experience is key. I Invested at least a 100 hours into the reading of this forum and there is tons of wisdom here and a style for everybody.

Its all good be positive and just remember everyone needs to practice before they can shit on their own!

--------------By the way thanks for the compliment and to forget the TP! :)

Killer Sativa

Well-Known Member
The smell is building, the buds are building, my smile is building.

I have noticed the few days after feeding them the buds plump up, its amazing watching them get hulk-a-fied bongsmilie ... I had to they them all up tonight, they were starting to droop.

Sorry for the artistic twist on the last two pictures. kiss-ass

41 Days flower (13).jpg41 Days flower (7).jpg41 Days flower (16).jpg41 Days flower (8).jpg41 Days flower (6).jpg36 days flower (7).jpg41 Days flower (3).jpg41 Days flower.jpg

Killer Sativa

Well-Known Member
Today I noticed some of the swollen calyx's are very swollen on some of the plants. Some of the look kike they are busting open. I even picked one one calyx of and squeezed it. Inside was a small pod like thin... almost like a tin brussels sprout.

Is that a premature seed or is it normal? I will get pics tomorrow when the light goes out.

These are clones what are the odds of having one turn hermi? Is that possible?

Thanks in advance and don't worry if its seeds, i can take the news:) .