they cant see through walls, dont exhaust anywhere that they can see it. they are supposed to have a warrant to check your stuff anyways. they also have infared blocking stuff at dro stores, it just keeps the heat in. make sure you cool your lights and keep your exhaust in your house or under it, or in your attic. check n all the forums over there, lots of infa-red stuff. you should be straight though, just dont tell anybody about it. I have sheriff choppers over my place like 5 times a day doin there usual runs n have a real nice F.L.I.R. camera on them, so far no knocks or anything. only have 2 600's though. but thats only 200 more watts than what youll have. I am also in a small place. my spot prolly glows real nice. They cant tell if its a dryer, oven, or anything. your allowed to have lights in your house anyways to grow whatever you want. no worries. if anything I would worry about my posts and my i.p. address so I use a proxy server