Hi, thanks for viewing, i have read about Ona block on a few posts, but im wondering just how good it is.
Does anyone who has used it have any information as to its effectiveness?
Thanks, Ive got some Diesel ryder for a small grow which i believe to smell a lot during and before flowering. But although i hear good things about Ona Block ive yet to hear it from anyone who has used it.
I was thinking of getting two of them and putting them in with the grow.
Just an edit: spent a while reading more threads and it would seem the Ona Gel is the preffered option, and ive just found a hydro shop thats selling a "new" pro version that doesnt smell of anything but claims to remove odours without replacing them with something different.
i use them and they work good, im not to sure about using them as a sole odor control but i have carbom filters along with ona blocks throughout the house and the smell is not an issue, and my grow is ten feet from the front door
i use on outside the room, and it works great for that extra odor that may leak out. Carbon filter is being used as well. I have come to really like the smell of the Ono block though, its refreshing.
Thanks a lot. im definately gonna be investing in it now. I dont have carbon filters mainly as i dont have a fan yet. My set up is so Ghetto, that Ghettos look at it and say "damn thats cheap".
But im just experimenting this time around as its my first grow (attempt) hoping my 2nd will be more succesfull and better invested .
Anyhow thanks again for the info you have helped me make my mind up and stick em order.