Ona odor block


New Member
Just wondering if anyone has used this product. For anyone who has can you give me some words of wisdom on it? The specific brand i am looking at is Ona and I don't know if I should be going for the pucks or the "gel" and what the pro's and cons are.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

p.s. and let me know if the product is shit, don't be afraid, I wont get mad :D



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Well-Known Member
Putting a dryer sheet on your exhaust fan would be just as good if not better, and cheaper probably.

No I have not tried that particular product myself, but I have tried many.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i use it and it kicks ass, im also using a charcoal filter in a tent grow and the room i have it in still smelled even with the fans turned down to 60% so i added a small ona block with few holes poked in the top and i zip tied it to the front of my fan that blows fresh air in to the room and it took away the smell for sure, at first they smell a little strong or if you get any on you it will stink but after a day or so they settle down, im not so sure about using that for your sole source of odor control but they do actually work


Well-Known Member
Ooops I didn't mean to imply that it wouldn't work, I may have come across wrong. I meant that dryer sheets are proven to work pretty darn well and may be cheaper and it's a more inconspicuous smell.
(I hope we are only talking about a couple small plants)

If the smell gets out of control, if you are growing too much for either of these to handle, you should look into building a diy activated charcoal or carbon filter, or just buying one. Clean smelling air...No scent left.


Well-Known Member
iv'e used and still do , the ona blocks. due to the size of my cabs i can only use a 100mm scrubber no room for anything bigger . i place a ona block in betwean my 2 cabs when the odor gets to much and job done. well worth the money when used with a scrubber.

have seen a post some were about making unit with a bucket and a fan with moisture crystals and ona gel. ment to work realy well.

growem green----------------------------- spike.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i use the ones they sell at home depot,they have bathroom smell or apple,i just put it in my exhaust vent going outside with a couple holes punched into the top,so it dosn't evaporate real fast,i just use it in the last three weeks of flower


Well-Known Member
I hurried my ass up once and threw a couple of dryer sheets on my fans...lol it worked, my electrician was 1 foot away from my stealth grow and didnt see or smell it, it was only 2 fems last week of flushing


New Member
So by the sounds of it they work good, but better in combination with a scrubber or some other type of filter.

I'm only doing a couple plants at most and am not TOO worried about the smell, but the last strain I grew stunk up my whole place during flowering.

Anyone used the gel? I see a couple people commented on the block, but has anyone used the gel?

thanks y'all



stays relevant.
yes but whatever you do don't leave it in the same room with your plants as they will take on the taste and odor of the ona.


Well-Known Member
ona is just a strong masking product.. it does not eliminate smells, just adds/masks decently. the gel is a joke. all it is, is ona liquid with some water absorbing crystals dumped in to make it like a gel.. get the ONA concentrate, then get some soil moist. mix em together and you have ona gel just a lot cheaper.