One baby leaf has turned yellow!


Active Member
Okay so when i went to water today i saw that one of my girl's new leaves at the bottom was turned yellow halfway through with a slightly brown vein. Any idea what this could implify? All her other leaves are fine and she's lookin great after a bad nute deficiency.



Well-Known Member
no worries!! either light is not getting to those leaves, or possibly early sign of nitrogen def.. if the rest of the plant looks good just keep an eye on it.


Active Member
thanks a lot bud. I'm keeping close watch on her these days. she gave me a bad scare a few weeks ago so i'm barely letting her out of my sight lol.


Active Member
I had the same problem it started almost the same way and it turned out to be nitrogen deficiency I hope it gets better soon :)


Well-Known Member
That's nothing to be alarmed about; it's probably the first leaf to sprout on that node so it would be older. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Active Member
alright cool. i just get really worried when i see something wrong with her now after the whole incident before. thanks guys:)


Active Member
Im having the same problem just the very bottom two leaves the ones that dont look like marijuana plant leaves have turned brown is that nitrogen problem still


Active Member
do you mean the sprout leaves? if thats what you're talking about have no worries cause its natural, those leaves fall off after a few weeks.


Active Member
yea but now it has gotten worse i dont understand what is goin on with them i noticed i have some mite so i bought some killer for them but it says for herbs but the leave r starting to rinkle and die