One CFL Growing!


Well-Known Member
hey guys. i have a seed of humm "Kali Mist" 90% sativa plant , which is in my garbage...empty ofcourse with a tin foil / a 23w CFL producing around 1600lumen i guess , its written on the package...soyeah , at 28 degree celcius on a 18/6 hours a day he'S kinda growing fast only the 7 days and look at him

so healty

how much u think i'll get ??and could u tell me when to change states into veg or flower things xD im follow buds for less guide ;)

btw on picture #2 we can see that i gave him a shot of water xD on his leaves i heard its good for the plan? to let the water dry out by itself on the plant and it dont hurt the flower is it true? i dont think it would "hurt" ...



Active Member
aluminum foil is baad man it'll create hotspots and burn your little baby. also i would suggest getting a larger cfl your baby is kinda small d00d. just mah 2 cents


Well-Known Member
yeah the problem is heat and its hidden ^^, so also i pourred it around 2CM deep in the soil :S maybe 1 cm or 2...but prolly 1.5 its a bit far since seed can sprout from like not even 0.5 cm?

i usually feed it with Miracle-gro soil / and he drink Superman B1 mixed in around 700mililiters of water the ph final is around 6.5 i guess

btw is Superman B1 mixed with water is a good product??it say 3mg for 1liter but i dont want to overfeed it...just put around 1mg of this stuff in the water


Well-Known Member
Don't feed seedlings!

ya wanna grow with one cfl check my grow journal (Goin Loco link in sig)

it will show ya what ya need to know

and yeah lose the tin foil