One Liners

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
Two guys playing golf, they were catching up with the group in front of them. It was two women playing slowly. One man said, I'm going down to see if we can play through. Halfway down the fairway the man turned around and came back. The 2nd guy asked why he didn't ask them? he said, one was my wife and the other was my girlfriend.

A few holes later, the 2nd guy decides he can't take the slow play and started down the fairway. Halfway down he too, turns around and comes back. The 1st man asked, what happened? The man responded, small world isn't it?


Well-Known Member
so this kid is divorceing his parents, and the judge asks who do you want to live with? do you want to live with your mom? kid replies no cause she beats me. judge says so you want to live with your dad? kid says no he beats me also, judge gets fed up and says well who do you want to live with then? kid replys i want to live with the raiders they dont beat anybody.