One month old outdoor


Well-Known Member
Sweet. Those are lookin real good. You got some pretty ladies. lol. Have you been feeding them, and how is the bug situation? Bugs were a big scare for me, I had mine outside last week during those hot days, (SoCal) weather. But lots of bugs would find there way onto my plants. I have one plant that's six weeks old, and 4 others that are just about three weeks. Mine look different than yours. Is that a sative your growing?


Active Member
They are all from bagseed, Ak is the big one, second largest was from a farm up north my buddy brought down some kind of kush, One is a blueberry, the other 2 are unknown..
the bugs we're a bit freaky, but I'm up high in the mountains, and the snow the other day killed that shit.....


Well-Known Member
Dammit, mine were sprouted on Apr. 7 and they don't look anywhere NEARLY as good. I have no idea what the strain is, they came from a bag of decent (not great) weed. Just transplanted a whole bunch today, still have four to go (need more pots).


Active Member
yo thanks man, just trying to take care of best I can, any day the sun hides out, or cold I put them under lights....


Active Member
Oh, and no I haven't fed them nutes yet, they are about two weeks into transplant, and if the weather stays good from here, I'll probably start hitting them with nutes soon.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty cool here, again.. there was a hot spell and I figured we were well into spring, ya know? They've been kept outdoors pretty much all the time.. been through a couple of frosts, but they looked like they weathered those just fine. There may be other issues.. I have much reading and learning yet to do.


Active Member
Yeah, All I did was read thru the site, got alot of answers for sure....everyone is cool when you have questions as well...

the weather isn't cooperating up here, kinda bummed but I know it's on the way.


Well-Known Member
What kinda temperatures you dealing with on a warm day? I guess it's around 70 if Im lucky lately. Had a few very nice days but like I said a few. And then it was overcast and cloudy then we got a couple days of rain, and now its fairly nice. A bit windy but otherwise good weather for the girlies. The bugs freak me out, not knowing what the lil devils are ya know. I just kill em whenever I see em on my girls. And check them every few hours. Sounds good tho I'll be in touch.


Active Member

temps have been cold up here in the mountains, I've had them inside the past week under lights. been seeing an assortment of bugs, gonna get some Neem Oil this week to mix into some watering.

Just found out we'll be moving to palm springs in a month, they'll love it I'm sure.


Active Member
hey im doin same as u nd my plants luk gd (lowrider) but im not useing nutes but i hav mircle grow plant food shud i use dis nd without nutes will my plant bud??


Active Member
I used miracle grow for the seedlings and went to fox farm when I transplanted. I've read that the ff soil will have enough nutes for a few weeks. they are in the 3rd week since the transplant, so nute schedule stars this coming week.

The miracle grow is kinda hard on the seedlings, and has enough nutes for about a month.

I definitely wouldn't use nutes with MG, you'll shock the shit out of your plant from what I've read.


Active Member
tanks 4 the relpy but my plant is kinda small but has about 20 leafs on it nd its 33 days old nd it has no nutes r mircle grow in it do u tink its will keep growing nd will it bud ?


Well-Known Member
yea of course itll grow and if a female it will bud. mine is about the same age. ima bout to transplant and start applyong nutes


Well-Known Member
hey weedgreen ive ordered some nyd ryders too post some pics. im curios to see are you doing an outdoor grow?


Active Member
ill try put sum up nd hopefully i will get sum thing out of dem is it tru dat if u dry the leafs out u can smoke dem?


Well-Known Member
yea you can but what i would do if save all of your leaves, scraps, male plants, etc. and eventually make some hash.