one month old plant problem


New Member
Its getting 20 hours of light a day.. And it may have been over watered a little, i haven't watered it since saturday. Trying to let the soul dry out a bit


Well-Known Member
Good idea letting the soil dry out some. Get that light closer. I'd say 3-4 in away from the top. A small fan blowing around wouldn't hurt either. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
The thing to worry about the most with miracle grow is its high urea content. It's like a time release form of nitrogen because the bacteria have to slowly convert it to nitrate. This is why a lot of people complain that MG makes it easy to over fert. Check the back of the box to see how much of the nitrogen is from nitrates and how much is from urea and ammonia. The nitrates are quick acting and the plant takes it up immediately, but the urea and ammonia need to eaten by the bacteria.

To be honest, this form of adding nitrogen is more true to the soil philosophy of feeding the soil, not the plant. More so than a lot of other "organic" labeled nutrients soil users like to use.


Well-Known Member
Aerate the soil… Turn the top of soil over, poke a small [tooth pick similar] into soil, and let air/oxy into it…
You started in MG… some hate MG products so much, that they would want you to transplant it into some other stuff as you read this…Don’t listen to them…MG is fine…
MG and any soil really, is a great buffer to your plants if you screw up on the feeding…
Newbie’s do screw up…
Hydro growers say: “You’re an idiot for growing in soil”
Organic Soil growers will say: “You’re an idiot for growing in MG”
Peeps always feel, their way is the best way to grow…closed minded peeps…ignore…
Oh yea, add more light soon…
Good Luck man…


Well-Known Member
Also, MG doesn't contain a source of calcium. That needs to be in the soil already (limestone). Most commercial lawn ferts don't have calcium actually. There was a time I used MG.