Well-Known Member
i tried...who is he i can find nothing.
this might help you understand what we're talking about...
i tried...who is he i can find nothing.
please show me where i spout off hateful and unsupported shit, mclovin. i am very interested.
is my desire to see gays get the same rights to marry as heteros hateful?
perhaps it is my desire to see blacks and women get the same pay as a white man for the same job.
or maybe it is where i argue for mercy towards the less fortunate.
sometimes i forget that to people like you, pro gay equal rights feminists are akin to terrorists.
Thats funny stuff. I didnt know believing in presenting youre case with actual sources was a partisan matter. But then Im not very partisan unless you count believing in individual freedom and personal responsibility a political party.Oh, the dumbass partisan hack mind at work...
Seriously? Have you seen me say anything about gay rights or black and white? I could give two shits if a couple of fags want a piece of paper saying they are bound by law. I’m married and it’s not that great. It’s not about your political philosophy.
I’m talking about the continuous hate you spew about public figures that don’t agree with you. You’ve called Beck a liar and a racist; you call the chick from the video a cunt. Which is fine you’re allowed your opinion but don’t try to right that shit off as facts. All I’m saying is if you want to be taken seriously by people back your accusations up with facts. Otherwise you just look like another dumbass with an axe to grind.
That’s funny stuff. I didn’t know believing in presenting you’re case with actual sources was a partisan matter. But then I’m not very partisan unless you count believing in individual freedom and personal responsibility a political party.
Were talking about the US here, so you can keep your Hitler.i know of this one politician from about 80 or so years back. did a little more than molestation. what was his name?
oh yeah. hitler.
let's go back about 190 years. i know of this one politician whose face adorns the $20 bill who actually DID rape and pillage an entire people that inhabit our country. to this day, many native americans still refuse to use the 20 dollar bill.
perspective, dude
I would love to see you prove anyone as a racist who didn't come right out and admit it. Pure speculation and conjecture, you can accuse but accusations do not make it a fact. Im sure Beck is a liar, hes on Fox for gods sake.beck is a proven liar and a racist. that might be my next thread. this one is getting too easy.
michelle malkin supported the interrment of the japanese during wwII. if that doesn't make her a twat and a cunt, i don't know what does.
how funny is it that you used a hateful slur while condemning me for being hateful?
beck is a proven liar and a racist. that might be my next thread. this one is getting too easy.
michelle malkin supported the interrment of the japanese during wwII. if that doesn't make her a twat and a cunt, i don't know what does.
how funny is it that you used a hateful slur while condemning me for being hateful?
Oh no I made a spelling/grammar error. I don’t think I’ll be able to live with myself.hahahahahaahahaha
Were talking about the US here, so you can keep your Hitler.
I know all about the trail of tears and Jackson's involvement, Times were different then, society was different then.
Poverty is still a large issue on the res as is diabetes and alcoholism
They have it so hard don't they?
I would love to see you prove anyone as a racist who didn't come right out and admit it. Pure speculation and conjecture, you can accuse but accusations do not make it a fact. Im sure Beck is a liar, hes on Fox for gods sake.
every time i see him do that i think of this
Oh no I made a spelling/grammar error. I don’t think I’ll be able to live with myself.
Beck is a certifiable wack-job! My parents, which have done very well for themselves and worked very hard to get to that point, actually went to his rally in DC. I thought they were smart, but the longer my parents and other tea-baggers believe this nonsensical propaganda spewing from Rupert Murdoch's cronies' mouths over at Fox News, the more I believe this nation could be in serious trouble. Here is a couple of things my mother and step-father said to me last time I visited. 1. I told her Sarah Palin is dumb and wont even talk to Katie Couric anymore because she gets torched. My mother said, "She is gettin smarter." Uhh...no, she's not! 2. CNN and CNBC are biased and Fox News is NOT. (Fair and Balanced, my ass!) 3. Barack Obama might not even be a US citizen...(if anyone on this site actually believes that, don't talk to me!) There were others, but by that time I decided to try and drown myself in their pool. I don't know much about Rand Paul and don't care to, because if he is as ignorant, stupid, and unqualified as Palin and O'Donnell...I will pass!
should i even bother discussing the problems his religion has with gays and black people? policies of outright racism and homophobia until very recently...
Do you really know any facts about the Church Of Latter Day Saints or what?