Dang !fan and filter mated , duct tape on all joints, caulked the elbow where it exits the roofView attachment 3335773
Cutting the fan covers off the case and replacing them with wire covers and also redoing the thermal paste on the heatsinks will do wonders for cooling. Moving the drivers out of the case will too. Strange drivers. Never saw constant current drivers that don't run at a constant current LOL. Maybe they're selectable, I don't read Chinese. And aren't those "5 watt" diodes? Maybe new drivers would be better too. Whatever though, thank you for the pix and good luck.
P.S. Removing the glass will also help with heat and up your radiometric output from probably somewhere between 7 and 12% I would think. That and cutting slices into the corners of the faceplate and carefully bending the metal into contact with the mounting plate will help with the light that gets trapped around the edges of those stock Chinese case. Terrible cases btw. Crap when it comes to cooling. Oh well.
Ok, the wife likes to keep the bedroom at 60 degrees, and i am finding it very easy to work with that number. The Germination station has a heating mat, and with the germ dome and heat mat in the Cab doors closed, the dome temp got up to 73, it rose the temp 10 degrees, everyone seems to agree that 80 degrees is great for germinating seeds??? So early on I wired up a short baseboard heater, back when I thought I was going to have to grow out in my barn in the middle of winter!! So I went and grabbed this thing, which I had made a special stand for, and it has a super trick one week programable digital thermostat , I took the heating mat out and left the dome in the cab and plugged in the heater and set the thermostate for 80, I will check back in 1 hour and see what the temp and humidity is in the germination dome thenView attachment 3337018View attachment 3337019 View attachment 3337020