One More Time Wood's Grow

Pup/puppy/ Black DOG all the same. Very impressive strain so loaded with terpenes it's sick... THC levels are respectable too. Taste to die for. Yield light. Can't win them all.... These are from HSO's Black Dog. I've been working with her for like 3 years now..... I almost got it figured out,,,, I think.... JK Ofcourse I don't.........

Heres acouple I'm taking tonight. A Dutch Delights. at about 67 days of flower,

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Keepem Green
How could you expect the descendants of slaves to honor men who enslaved their ancestors. Would you approve if slavery was your heritage?

All the land your ancestors owned, profiting from slavery i'm guessing?

What sense of pride should the country as a whole have in that?

I see a ton of growers on stolen land...
Are they proud of the pyramids in Egypt? Built by slaves. My family once were slaves WAY before African Americans ever were. George Washington owned 300 slaves till he died. As did Thomas Jefferson he owned 175 slaves. And bought and sold slaves. But as of today,,, they are no slaves. Wood I own a slave? Hell no. And seeing there are no slaves now,,, stop bring the past back up and leave our history alone. Nothing changes when you take a flag down,,, does it. My Stars and Bars will FLY HIGH at my home till I die,, I can promise that

[><] Keepem Green
Where is your evidence that the pyramids were built by slaves? Id like to see that.

Our history? Who would that be these lands have had many nationalities and a long history. The clock didn't start when the Europeans arrived...

And taking the banners down helps change the way people think about the past. Nobody wants be reminded of slavery, and unfortunately the dems have succesfully tied the stigma of slavery and oppression to the Confederate banner.

But whats worse is the people who promote the Old Republic are usually a bunch of slack jawed rednecks who are more interested in establishing superiorty over others than forming a real government to serve various shades of people.
Yep, I'm a Redneck...100% and Proud. Slack-jawed? LOL Not this man. BTW who built the pyramids? It was common for a victor in a war to take it's population as slaves. Not that all people who worked on the pyramids were slaves,,, but you can bet 95% were.. Hebrews etc.
Now if you are meaning blacks as slaves,,, even the blacks back in Africa were taking slaves of their neighboring tribes. Untill they found better profit in selling them.

People need to realize the civil war was about states rights. Sure one of the points was slavery,, and that's not something I believe in,,, but I firmly believe in states rights.
But people need to learn alittle more before they run mouth.. But then it is a free country.. And you as well as I are entitled to opinions..

Keepem Green
Slack jawed red necks? Give me a fucking break...this is a nice grow by a red neck being read by a red neck...and read the bible...yes the pyramids were built by slaves....and if you would take your head out of your hole maybe you would learn the civil was wasn't all about salves and the flag of bars sure as hell don't stand for or say slave on it