One More Time Wood's Grow

Taking clones some might as well take a pic or two of acouple that I have outdoors they all are about the same size give or take an inch. They are going to be monster come Oct. More than I want to work with so I will be breaking out the pruning sears..... ;;

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Afew more from Stoney Girls. I took cuts of the Marion Berry, Cripit, Gelato, and Sugar Plum. I've grown all of these before cept the Haze Plum or Plum Haze,, whichever it's called. These are all going in 35-gallonplum haze 1.jpg plum haze.jpg purpit 1.jpg purpit.jpg sugar plum1.jpg sugar plum.jpg Kids.JPG pots for now..... I will probably throw 2 of them in the ground in the greenhouse.. Two plants fill it up. It's a 10'16' greenhouse. I've made the mistake of trying three in there before... I've found a pic of the results,, it was too crowded in there...
I'm going to throw some shit out and see if it sticks.

I'm to old and feeble to grow anymore over 10'ers........ So I resort to drastic measures,,,, and do so big time topping with pruning shears......... well close..

I live in the Portland Area,, and it's a nice moist pocket in the USA.. R/H get really high come Oct 1st. And molds are everywhere here... And I do cut them back 4-5 nodes and it leaves that nasty open wound that is just begging for infection. Molds/insets,, have seen nasty boring worms that live in stems in the past. Lesson learned? Painter putty, chalk or even elymers glue can seal that open wound and help keep the bad shit out.. Bud rot is like a virus......

But I will be uppoting my outdoor crop soon into finish pots... And then i start my selective pruning..........
But I did grab afew fast pics of the girls before I up-pot today and the Gelato I'm bringing in to flower over the next flip... The Cripit is going to be a monster...............

Temps are climbing.. I had to downsize from 1500 watt lamps to 1000 watters till fall.

So that Gelato will have plenty of room... After all, It's going to about all I have in there soon............ Not sure IF I'm going to try LED now,,,, or stick to HIDs.... but here's the pics;;;;;;;

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A fast update on acouple plants. I just upotted these into finish pots. And acouple pic's to show the size we are starting with.. All my plants will be in a min 30-gallon pot. Buy fall time,, these will become shade trees. I don't have alot of dirt in the yard we have alot of concrete and water.. But sure makes for great fall pictures;;; the last is a fall garden from the past;;;

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Isn't alot growing on over these ways this year.... I do throw the Gelato inside to have the flower room unto herself damn near. Right now I have her under a Mars 1600 wat LED. I still have a puppy and a strawberry Amnesia about 6 weeks in. I will probably move it under the HID on a 3' lightrail run, to keep down hot spots and also to hit the plant on different angles rather than all overhead........ Just got done transplanting the Sugar Plum into a finish pot and I have one plant outdoors that still needs an upgrade in the pot size department. The Purpit. I'll also be growing the Puppy out there along with my other mother plants, Gelto is a sweet plant and still got a Grassfire OG to cut on... The only SGG plant I plan on keeping going in the Cripit... Some good pot,, so I've heard...

But come fall,, I plan of half a room of Pup's but still in the air over the other half... But I will have to have acouple Cripits mixed in too... Grassfire OG grows typical OG structure..... Small yield,,,,, on a taller' plant...gfog4.jpg gf og 1.jpg gf og 5.jpg But the smoke was top shelf........
Well here's some of the kids getting settled into their new homes.... Like said,, I am downsizing this year in plants size, and plant numbers. I'm only going to have like 6-7 plants out there this year over the usual 12-15.....

But I do need my years' supply of budder material.. And I do go thru alot of that over the course of a year.... Don't ask me how strong I make my shit,,, but I do use as much decarbed weed as I can fit in this MB machine.. I use Coconut oil for acouple reasons,,, first being you see the price of butter... and seong being health reasons being I eat alot of it......... Come harvest,, all I trim is the main colas,,, everything else cept fan leaves, which go in trash,,, goes into budder making... 5 or so of this size should cut it.......

Damn I'm getting to old for these long nights anymore...

Went to an Aaron Lewis concert last night for Miss J's birthing day........ Had a great time,, and one hella hangover this morning...
Man, we had a hella storm last night.. Hail and a major downpour. That Cripit plant took a beating.. I might lose acouple branches off her... Oh well.. least the rest weathered the storm fine... I know I should've started tieing that one up already. Makes it my bad............
Pretty fucking bad when Roll-It bans you from political debates and discussions''''' because you don't follow their beliefs...... And have beliefs of your own... Even in off topic pages..

What a bunch of FUCKING bigots the moderators are on this site.

If you don't agree with them,,, just shut them off I guess is their moto... Kind of like typical left wing tactics.....

Censorship from a bunch of media brainwashed peoples.....

I guess 1st amendment rights don't matter here
Well man I was truly enjoying your thread! Your plants remind me of an old member on here I used to know 15 years ago, FDD2BLK

Then boom with them censoring.... I really didn’t know that was an issue here. Give me a break.

I see we have equal views as your avatar seems to illustrate... lol

How ever I’m from the south... .. so kind of funny to see that bandana on your face knowing your in “Portland” area.
I have family in Oregon city and eagle creek. So I do have a certain understanding of what “politics” you sir have to deal with there lol
Welcome to my humble grows,,, @MrX2017 Yea I do live in a VERY Liberal state. I am a transplant of course from Arkansas..... But still, most of these kids around here make me wanna go alittle Redneck on their asses...........

I repeatedly say I'm way into Southern Heritage.. That flag doesn't stand for hate to me. My faimly fought and died for the south.. As well ass WW1, WW2,, and all wars all the way to the sandbox.....

Hell my Old' Lady is American born,,,, but from Lebanese Bloodlines.

And I was raised in the Deep South as a child..... And I hold those values.I love my guns and country,,,, I fly an American Flag outside my home,,, and afew Confederate flags under the American Flag in my garage,, aka my office....... And will till I die...

I been lurking here for 10 years or so myself.

But your welcome to say anything you want here... Even if I don't agree with all of them... It's all good.....

I been taking pictures of weed ever since 1980'' though they are mostly polaroids. But some of these digitals are up to 12 years ago.. Most are under 5 years.

Enjoy and hope your gardens are green. If ya got a journal,, give me the link Keepem Green
Thanks for the southern hospitality my friend!
First and fore most
Thank you to you and your families sacrifices, for our great land and our people! God Bless you and your loved ones. With out it we wouldn’t be here typing about it.

I completely agree when it comes to the confederate flag. I’ve had buddies growing up that flew it for the wrong reasons and I’ve had to educate a few cause of it.

I’m in the far south, like geographic south of the US but it’s more “southern” a state north of me. Lol to ironic
We kind of have a melting pot here a huge mix of libtards from the northeast, and southern hospitality. Just doesn’t mix....

Now I definitely am enjoying the. Garden!
I have been on the boards since 2003 under a different user name that got lost a few years back.... ironically enough my enlistment day 9/11/08 was the same day “green team” knocked on the door and changed my life for ever! So jealous you are in a rec state!

I wish more then anything I could move my family out to Seattle. I miss sumnter, and the pualip fair!

Didn’t mean to change up the thread!

I don’t have much going right now just experimenting with some reveg plants right.
Building a closet if all goes better financially here soon. I do how ever have a journal for it.
Your more than welcome to pull up a chair and follow along,, as ALL are.. Even people with other opinions than mine...........

Isn't alot growing on here at the moment... Cutting clones today......... And transplanting afew to larger pots..... I do have a weird looking auto out there.. It was free seeds I won in some contest on my primary journal on another site........ It's called HiJack from Auto/Bomb Seeds. Has a really high ratio of leaf to flower growth..

The rest are labeled and growing right along.......

The Cripit got some damage after this freak storm we just had.. Rain and hail.. Beat it up pretty bad.. One pic shows a branch that snapped during it.. I like to seal wounds on plants. I've used Elmers Glue for years.. We got lots of molds and bugs here that wood like to take up shop in open wounds.. Better to be safe.... Hope all's gardenswound.jpg hijack.jpg puppy.jpg cripit.jpg m-berry.jpg purpit.jpg sugar plum.jpg plum haze.jpg gardden.jpg are growing great out there and Keepem Green
Got a huge Gelato in flower now. I just can't make up my mind,,, try LED or Stick with HID. I do have a Mars Light that claims it can flower up to 5' squared. A 1600 something model. It could have it dedicated to it or a 1000 HID lamp on a short light rail. If it Stays cold,, I'd fire the 1500 up again. But for now she get the best of both worlds as I turn her afew time a night. Sorry bout the lights,, later I'll take her out for photo shoot. But for now just on the hoof shots To lazy and old to drag them out and this stage.. gelato1.jpg gelato.jpg