One Of Each, RP OG 18, Nirvana Super Skunk, RP "Headband", Barney Farms LSD


Active Member
Awesome, subscribed. :D I've got the OG18 and planning on doing it for my next round. Really interested to see what you think of it.

Has she been a light feeder so far? Nute sensitive at all? Taking in lots of Mag? Finicky?


Active Member
Oh yeah, I'm about to start full strength nutes. Did a 3/4 feeding last time with no problems. I could have probably gave them all a full strength feeding sooner.

My OG 18 stretched like crazy. They're all done stretching now, thankfully.


Active Member
These all look great grotesque. You are kicking some serious ass. That superskunk looks sticky and delicious!


Active Member
thanks dude! I can't wait for harvest. Was thinking about picking up some cali connect deadhead OG, heard anything about? Looks yummy.


Active Member
Man, I was just tripping on the straws in your soil. What are those for? Probably a stupid question but.....


Active Member
I originally put different colored straws in the soil to keep up with who was who when they first sprouted. But now I can easily distinguish them apart, I just never bothered to throw them away. I'm a sloppy grower.
I like this but I don't know much about the breeder.

Also I can't say that I'm too happy with the OG 18, maybe she'll look better once she matures. Seems really leafy with smaller buds.


Active Member
Another thing is I'm just waiting for everything to beef up. I always get paranoid around this time with every grow Ive done so far, still have noob tendencies.