One Of Each, RP OG 18, Nirvana Super Skunk, RP "Headband", Barney Farms LSD


Active Member
That's what I'm hoping for... Come to think of it though I really didn't lose so many clones when I had them under a shitty shop light with weak bulbs. I replaced that with a Sun Blaze T5 and shit wont root. I even sit a tray over top the dome to block out some of the light, didn't make much of a difference.

What do you think about mixing some superthrive into the water before filling up the daisy cloner? Would that be over kill?
You could definitely do that. I am going to add a little roots excelleratur in mine as a test. Just a touch though. As far as light. I like to go to 18 or 24 hours of dark after I take cuttings. Then jam em in a dimly lit part of the grow room for a week or so. The issue is you make the plant want to drink and there's no roots so it transpires all it's moisture. You basically want to slow photosynthesis down so it focuses on developing roots. I think this is also good practice for stressed plants. Not the long dark period but definitely reducing light gives that little bastard a breather;)


Well-Known Member
I grew out OG #18 and you arent alone in having trouble cloning OG's are a bitch to clone I read up on lots of people having trouble cloning the OG #18. Good stuff though small yield-er but powerful stuff.


Active Member
I grew out OG #18 and you arent alone in having trouble cloning OG's are a bitch to clone I read up on lots of people having trouble cloning the OG #18. Good stuff though small yield-er but powerful stuff.
Out of 4 strains the OG 18 is the only thing that did clone.


Active Member
You could definitely do that. I am going to add a little roots excelleratur in mine as a test. Just a touch though. As far as light. I like to go to 18 or 24 hours of dark after I take cuttings. Then jam em in a dimly lit part of the grow room for a week or so. The issue is you make the plant want to drink and there's no roots so it transpires all it's moisture. You basically want to slow photosynthesis down so it focuses on developing roots. I think this is also good practice for stressed plants. Not the long dark period but definitely reducing light gives that little bastard a breather;)
You don't mist your clones at all, do you?


Active Member
You don't mist your clones at all, do you?
I don't. Just check the water every few days. Otherwise just let them do their thing. You could but if you have to it means you should reduce light. I feel like if you give them what they need via the leaves they have no motivation to grow roots. That's just me though. Stoner theories 101 here;)
Oh- mine never droop at all done this way.


Active Member
I'm gonna try it your way, and thanks for the info. Have you ever done a reveg after harvest to get clones? That's what I'm gonna do, I've done it before but with these new strains I dunno.....


Active Member
I haven't reveged but I know it can be done. I try to get em going into flower but I know you had issues there.


Active Member
Oh yeah, I popped 3 other strains about a week ago. Blueberry Gum, Super Silver, and a Fruit automatic. It's gonna be my first automatic and I'm gonna flower it under my T5....

But that's another grow journal :)


Active Member
Cool, my LSD still looks like its got atleast 3 more weeks, maybe 4, but maybe it will surprise me. What all did you get? hehehe.....


Active Member

Whatcha think? Should I slay the beast? I recently picked up a 100x scope and noticed there are some clear, ALOT CLOUDY, and some amber.... (trichomes)

Tomorrow will be exactly 7 weeks of 12/12. I really didn't expect it to finish this early....

Your thoughts?