one of my clone is flowering please help!

i cloned a bunch of my white widows when they were vegging throughout my cycle and one of my clones is showing sex. what is going on with this cause i keep them in a 24/7 environment! what's goin on around here? anyone ever have this happen?


if it continues to bud, it is a temp issue. Too cold or too hot. with a 24 light cycle i would suppose a heat issue. light to close to the canapy maybe? is the room warm? I've seen the heat do this several times on people using little green houses with lights that make it too hot. just in case they continue to bud. Any plant can be reverted back to veg within several weeks of 12/12 cycle but it'll take a few weeks of apparant dormancy (non growth) and the plant will revert to single leaf growth structure until it brings itself totaly to veg cycle and start growing more "fingers" to the leaf.

At this point the vertical growth will resume and clones can beging being taken. This is done to save a strand or create a mother with more branches as the bud sites will produce copious amounts of branches from the bud sites. However the stress involved on the plant may not create the best mother, healthy offspring should replace her. i can imagine the confusion of reverting back to adolescence.