One of my plants in hermie-ing!


Well-Known Member
Bummer! Well, I guess I'm not too surprised since the seed came from a plant that probably produced the seed by hermie-ing!

So, advise me. I have two other plants in the same tent that are not showing any signs of hermie-ing. Should I get rid of the hermie? kill it? I don't really have an alternate room to put it in and I don't want it to pollinate the other two plants with hermie pollen.

Kill it?


Well-Known Member
I hear ya….damn…It's hard…because all the time and care…..fuuuuck.

No way to just keep pulling off the male flowers as they appear?


Well-Known Member
Well, I started out with four plants in my 3 X 3 tent. Now I have 2 left. One plant is doing GREAT! It came from a bag of "Vortex". The other is doing questionably. It came from a bag of Colombian Sativa. The sister of that plant was the one that hermied….and I culled it, today. It was the tallest, "skinniest" plant. It's now chopped up to bits and in a pile of mulch for my vegetable garden…so I guess it will contributes a little something to my life! ;) And the remaining sister is kind of questionable, itself. I have a feeling it will hermie, too….but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

It's all a learning experience, this time. I knew that going into the grow. Next time, I'm going for known genetics (hopefully) TGA Subcool is out here and I can get seed packs from my dispensary….and maybe some of the growers around, too. So, that's my next plan!

Two down and two to go!


Well-Known Member
Okay…damnit! I just culled the "sister" of the hermied plant….because it hermied! I almost missed that male flower, too. It was ready to pop!

Okay, so now I'm down to my last plant! I hope it doesn't hermie!

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member

She's still looking good and growing fatter and hairier!

I had a one hermie once at like 6 wks I just kept pulling the nanners off it. It didn't end up pollinating the other plant but it did have a few seeds so guess I did a good job. 6 weeks is the cut off if they are that old it's not much work pulling them off as they spring up.


Well-Known Member
The ones that hermied on me just didn't have the same vigor as the all-female one. The Hermis just looked sluggish and straggly. I was tempted to try and pull off the male flowers as they appeared, but I opted to kill them and keep the girl, instead.

And now the girl is really getting the FULL use of the Area 51 light….and loving it! I have some UVB bulbs coming this week and I will add them to the lighting to try and get that extra resin production.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure one of your plants didn't pollinate the entire tent? Or possibly some pollen from someone elses grow near you pollinated them?

Just seems odd you started with 4, and one keeps hermiing after another.

Either you need to get your tent under control (PH, PPM, Temp, RH, etc)
or you got pollinated and the pollen is just flying around your tent till it hits your babies and they start to hermi.

If your last plant hermies on you, you know why.