One of the greatest Ron Paul supporters ever

Ron Paul supports forming broad coalitions. And I agree. Anyone who is an ally to Ron Paul and the Liberty movement is ok with me, Including this guy:


Notice his Anti-War message. Now it might not be as politically correct as the Liberal Anti-War sentiment, but hey...we can't all be perfect. Plus he knows how to cut one helluva kick-ass speech. Even if you don't agree with him on all of it. Enjoy gang.
i love how the government is a jewish conspiracy. that part made me laugh alot. im not going to watch the rest though, ive got more important things to do. like stare at the wall.
its hate my friend. thats what it is. hate.

I just don't understand why you can't loosen up and just enjoy the speech for the LOLz. Clearly this guy is somewhat of a gifted, entertaining speaker. I mean when I watch Malcom X go on about whites, and Uncle Tom's.....I'm entertained, and I don't agree with most of it. Ya know?

I just don't understand why you can't loosen up and just enjoy the speech for the LOLz. Clearly this guy is somewhat of a gifted, entertaining speaker. I mean when I watch Malcom X go on about whites, and Uncle Tom's.....I'm entertained, and I don't agree with most of it. Ya know?

this guy is a stupid douche, none of his words hold power.........they're weak and of a 4th grade reading level. he's a walking penis. whats funny is you think he's gifted.
this guy is a stupid douche, none of his words hold power.........they're weak and of a 4th grade reading level. he's a walking penis. whats funny is you think he's gifted.

Granted, he is not anywhere near the level of gifted as Dr. William Pierce: [video=youtube_share;0rxoz3jwMgg][/video]

BUT STILL. Don't let your personal views get in the way of teh LoLz.