one of the most powerful benefits of the mind...our imagination


Well-Known Member
while sitting in my chair reading some threads here on rollitup...I thought about how different things in life happen at certain times...sometimes situations may cause a person to see things, like angels ,aliens ,demons, even ufo's...more times then not ,they come from stressful moments such as lack of sleep while driving on long trips, people with emotional stress from breakups, and sometimes it just might be that some people want something to believe in...I mean come on we all know how powerful the imagination can be and it can bring forth physical proof...
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It seems that many people do not know how the mind works and are under the impression that just because they experience something via their own minds, it MUST have happened in objective reality. They display a certainty that you don't often find among the educated. The mind is very powerful, yet malleable and often faulty. If I experience an unlikely event, such as an alien or demon, I don't assume that they exist in reality, I wonder what is happening to my mind. The more one studies cognitive science, the more one is correctly able to question the workings of their mind...
Imagination is the young creator in you.
you imagine and create thoughts and pictures, whether there true or not is the beauty of letting your imagination run wild!!
your dreams are your imagined thoughts which you created.

i wonder what i'd create if i where god??
i can only imagine,
It seems that many people do not know how the mind works and are under the impression that just because they experience something via their own minds, it MUST have happened in objective reality. They display a certainty that you don't often find among the educated. The mind is very powerful, yet malleable and often faulty. If I experience an unlikely event, such as an alien or demon, I don't assume that they exist in reality, I wonder what is happening to my mind. The more one studies cognitive science, the more one is correctly able to question the workings of their mind...
you seem to know a bit about the mind, do you know anything about are dreams??
consciousness actually plays a huge part in how the physical world materializes. The physical world is merely a interpretation of the quantum world our brain creates. So even your most fundamental physical senses like sight and hearing are forms of imagination. Think about it, unless something in the universe is observed it follows many paths, or all possible paths allowed by chance, statistics, and probability. Like in the double slit experiments that became famous, if the electrons were not being observed they would act more like waves rather than particles and a single electron would pass through both slits. But when an electron is observed (I think they used laser beams to act as observers) that the wave property and function of the electron collapses and it acts as a particle, passing through only one slit. And they have no idea what causes the collapse and how a single path is chosen but it is just the nature of existence. What we call "reality" is just an interpretation of many layers of illusions stacked up on top of each other. Classical physics only explains the consistency we experience in the universe after it is observed. The quantum world totally contradicts the idea anything can be accurately determined or predicted until it is measured (observed).

Stop imagining things dammit! Wake up!
consciousness actually plays a huge part in how the physical world materializes. The physical world is merely a interpretation of the quantum world our brain creates. So even your most fundamental physical senses like sight and hearing are forms of imagination. Think about it, unless something in the universe is observed it follows many paths, or all possible paths allowed by chance, statistics, and probability. Like in the double slit experiments that became famous, if the electrons were not being observed they would act more like waves rather than particles and a single electron would pass through both slits. But when an electron is observed (I think they used laser beams to act as observers) that the wave property and function of the electron collapses and it acts as a particle, passing through only one slit. And they have no idea what causes the collapse and how a single path is chosen but it is just the nature of existence. What we call "reality" is just an interpretation of many layers of illusions stacked up on top of each other. Classical physics only explains the consistency we experience in the universe after it is observed. The quantum world totally contradicts the idea anything can be accurately determined or predicted until it is measured (observed).

Stop imagining things dammit! Wake up!
the reason's why 'such is life'
will be revealed to all
formatting human thoughts

to adjust to the next life
the reason's why 'such is life'
will be revealed to all
formatting human thoughts

to adjust to the next life
Shit I read your thing and it sounds beautiful, but I can't figure out what it means! But wait... isn't that also the duality of the universe? It is coherent, therefore it must equally be dis-coherent. Genius, you sir are genius.
i might be a genius ( no idea why?)
but i have no idea what you just said , to many big words,lol,
maybe its a sign???
Dude it totally is. You have no idea what you just did, now I know you are wise. You just admitted you had no idea what I just said, just as I admitted I had no idea what you said the first time. You know who else admitted this? Socrates, the greatest philosopher of all time said he only knew that he knew nothing. And because others thought they knew many things they did not, it made Socrates the wisest man in the world. To admit you are ignorant and you have no clue what the truth is means you are on the right path.
Dude it totally is. You have no idea what you just did, now I know you are wise. You just admitted you had no idea what I just said, just as I admitted I had no idea what you said the first time. You know who else admitted this? Socrates, the greatest philosopher of all time said he only knew that he knew nothing. And because others thought they knew many things they did not, it made Socrates the wisest man in the world. To admit you are ignorant and you have no clue what the truth is means you are on the right path.
well kick me in the shin and call me vinny???
iv no idea what u mean really?
but it sounds cool?
well kick me in the shin and call me vinny???
iv no idea what u mean really?
but it sounds cool?
Well my language skills are crap. You should read the apology, it was written by Plato and describes his first hand account of Socrates's trial before he was put to death. My words are ugly and jumbled usually. But the apology is a masterpiece, it is art.
Well my language skills are crap. You should read the apology, it was written by Plato and describes his first hand account of Socrates's trial before he was put to death. My words are ugly and jumbled usually. But the apology is a masterpiece, it is art.
i don't understand what u said iv done?
and its not ur typing skills , its my lazy brain---its more awake when asleep.
i don't understand what u said iv done?
and its not ur typing skills , its my lazy brain---its more awake when asleep.
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates
"True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us." - Socrates
"I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing." - Socrates
"To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge." - Socrates

"iv no idea what u mean really?" - You
"i don't understand what u said iv done?" - You
"i might be a genius ( no idea why?)
but i have no idea what you just said , to many big words,lol," - You

See any similarities? I am being humorous but serious at the same time, I am not just yankin' your chain.
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates
"True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us." - Socrates
"I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing." - Socrates
"To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge." - Socrates

"iv no idea what u mean really?" - You
"i don't understand what u said iv done?" - You
"i might be a genius ( no idea why?)
but i have no idea what you just said , to many big words,lol," - You

See any similarities? I am being humorous but serious at the same time, I am not just yankin' your chain.
its just a coincidence that's all and a few shots of what you've had? Lol
its just a coincidence that's all and a few shots of what you've had? Lol
Nah I don't drink. And I am completely sober, I am only normal when I am high. I am schizophrenic. So when I am sober people call me out for being high because I act high, but when I am high it calms me down and the voices go away so I don't act high. Right now as I said I am sober, so I seem high. Damn those voices.
Nah I don't drink. And I am completely sober, I am only normal when I am high. I am schizophrenic. So when I am sober people call me out for being high because I act high, but when I am high it calms me down and the voices go away so I don't act high. Right now as I said I am sober, so I seem high. Damn those voices.
crazy scrotezrs person
crazy scrotezrs person
I may be crzy but I do believe the voices are real. And hey now! At least I don't drink anymore! You gotta give me some credit. Drinking is bad, last time I drank I remembered nothing. But my ex who I was living with at the time told me I was in the bathroom screaming about how my head was exploding, she thought it was funny though so no harm done there. The time before that I woke up to someone dragging me down the hallway, which was quite terrifying until I realized it was a hot lady friend of mine. Unfortunately she didn't rape me or seduce me under the influence, instead she put a blanket over me and a pillow under my head, but left me in the hallway... Now that I think about it why the hell did she drag me from one end of the hallway to the other? I don't think it really accomplished anything.
I may be crzy but I do believe the voices are real. And hey now! At least I don't drink anymore! You gotta give me some credit. Drinking is bad, last time I drank I remembered nothing. But my ex who I was living with at the time told me I was in the bathroom screaming about how my head was exploding, she thought it was funny though so no harm done there. The time before that I woke up to someone dragging me down the hallway, which was quite terrifying until I realized it was a hot lady friend of mine. Unfortunately she didn't rape me or seduce me under the influence, instead she put a blanket over me and a pillow under my head, but left me in the hallway... Now that I think about it why the hell did she drag me from one end of the hallway to the other? I don't think it really accomplished anything.
its common practice, they do it on films, shot then drag, shot then drag.:)
its common practice, they do it on films, shot then drag, shot then drag.:)
I need to start watching tv again I guess. I don't trust tv's, I feel they are evil tools used by governments to subliminally control my mind and thoughts. I already have 6,7,12, and 13 daemons/demons/angels trying to control me. I sure as hell don't need another entity crawling through my mind trying to force my self-given soul out of the body. I have two beers in the fridge... I think I am gonna drink em. Damn I need to get high, I got $17 in my btc wallet, got a gram to spare?