One Pink Lemonade - no-till cycle 7 in 4 foot diameter pot, 5x5 tent

The 4 boards I bought are these:
Just ensure you select your country's currency to see how much they cost. First time looking at them I unknowingly was seeing the price in US dollar currency and thought "wholly shit they're giving them away!". Then I selected Canada, and it was like "oh... okay. Still cheaper than Amazon!"

They still sell the version (V1) boards for cheaper that don't have the reds, IR, and UV, as well as the V2 boards that only have the reds. Shipping literally took no more than 3 days via UPS, and Kingbrite lowered the duty price without me even asking. I only paid $6 tax and duty, and with the UPS brokerage fee of $50 the total was $56 which I paid online just prior to delivery.
Wow 110usd with drivers and hangars? I have been researching and seems uv LEDs not worth it. Better to get even a couple reptisun bulbs. You see a difference?
Just a quick update on my 2 outdoor plants. Looks like they will finish! We had some pretty crazy cold rain for days last week, and winds that blew over the bins even though I thought I had secured properly them to the deck. Then the frost on a night. My wife woke me up one morning, and said she noticed all the leaves on my plant had turned purple from the freezing and maybe the plants would die. Lol... naw, they took the frost and just kept on trucking. I've really lucked out this year because there is no sign of PM or bud rot. My neighbors are really impressed, especially the one beside me to the left whom I often barter weed to for his construction company's renovation services. Not sure if that's legal... gray area. Lol

Weather looks good over the next week without freezing night temps, so I think they'll ripen and be ready for next weekend (I think).

I'm not contributing much to this post but I'm jealous of your pink lemonade. The best smoke i have had in the last 5-7 years was pink lemonadeXSkittlez in alberta

Interesting considering the micro-LP who produces these seeds for the OCS is based in Alberta. Maybe it's the real deal. I've never had much joy with government seeds, but when something new comes out I'm always willing to give it a chance. I've had my share of shitty genetics from the black market too, so it's like rolling the dice every time unless you're growing clones. Half the fun is not knowing what you'll get in the end! lol
Well she seems to have stalled a little bit. I did put her through a lot just over a week ago, including the new lights, lots of suckering and defoliation, and then being flattened with a SCROG net, so maybe that has something to do with it because I think growth rate has picked up over the past couple days. I'm not sure where she'll be at the end of the month, but I'm able to advance each branch to a new hole every 2 days or so, and 3 days to advance diagonally. The rear and front left corner is 5 or 6 diagonal holes away from the nearest branch, so at this growth rate it will take me up to another 24 days to snake her all the way to the furthest corner. That's okay because I'll still be tucking for a week or two after flipping (planned for November 1st) so I might be able to fill this tent on schedule.

She's starting to drink more water now. I had to give it 20 liters twice in the last week, and she took the last 20 liters I gave her yesterday without even a drop of runoff.

Meanwhile I plan to replace all the little bamboo poles around the pot because they've all been eaten. It's like the bottom half of them are completely gone without a sign. So I need to run to the Dollar Store sometime and get another pack because I have none left. I blame the fungi growing in there for this issue.

Oops, I didn't realize how far the middle of the scrog net was pushed up by the plant. For goodness sake, it's even visible in the photo above. I had to forcefully readjust each branch and was able to easily advance another square in every direction. I certainly could use a better setup for it, but I keep that net as tight as a drum. It's amazing how much force a plant can collectively apply to a net like this - I'm almost scared of it bending my tent poles! lol

Another thing I noticed this morning is that mushrooms have started to popup everywhere. It's normal and always happens at this stage, usually within a couple weeks after applying the mulch over last harvest's stems. So I lifted a bit of mulch, and the stems are about 40% decayed, with even the biggest ones taking on a spongy damp consistency. There is no sign left of the remnants of the thick cover crop I squished down with the stems when I applied them.

I think the mushrooms I have popping up are Parasola plicatilis. They only last about a day or so, but there will be many flushes of them. Here's a couple from this morning:
I've been busy today. This morning I tortured my poor indoor plant again, tucking where needed, and lots of suckering and a bit of defoliation. It looks sad now. I think she must hate me for all this manipulation. lol

Then I went to Walmart and picked up a 8 bags of ice because it's the start of bubble hash season. Very excited! So I made bubble hash with half of the trim and popcorn I set aside from my last harvest in this no-till pot : the Afghan Hash Plants from Canuck Seeds. I'll do the other half next weekend because I decided my plants outside are ready for harvest, and that's going to keep me very busy tomorrow.

I used a 220 work-bag this time rather than the Frenchy-style "just dump the naked bud into the washing machine" method. It makes reclaiming the wet trim for mulch much easier. The issue with work-bags is that you'll get green at some early point in your runs. For me it's run #4 where the green starts to really show bigtime. he issue with just loose trim and bud in the machine is that it's so painfully long, and uses up lots of ice. I've done 8 runs before using that method and while not a hint of green, I was still getting some respectable yield even with that last run. It's so gentle it seems to take forever, but makes the best IMO. If you want full-melt, do it that way.

So here is today's harvest. I only use 3 bags (160, 45, 25). I spray the shit out of the 160 in the filter column, and don't keep any of it except for mulch for my current grow. When I make temple balls later, I mix the 160-45 and 45-25 together. THe 45-25 is on the left in the photo, the 5 bigger blobs are the 45-160. The only reason why I use the 45 micron bag is because having it all in the 25 would make it drain painfully slow! You can tell in the photo which are my 4th and 5th runs of each. These will not be included in the temple ball, but instead it's separated and dried on its own to make edibles or squishing for rosin with the press. I'm still happy with the higher quality yield though because I find it easier to work with when I keep the size of my temple balls between 20 and 30 grams.

Oh, I almost forgot. I have another funny story to tell today. We have a new neighbour who moved into the house next door just a few months ago. They are very strict and traditional Muslims. This is Canada, so there's nothing unusual about diversity in the suburbs lol, but I tended to be a bit distant with them. I was worried about what they thought of the huge 2 cannabis plants on my patio deck.

So today while setting things up outside in the backyard for my bubble hash making, the big scary guy was in his backyard and peers over the fence and says "you better harvest those plants soon, they're looking ripe", then sees the washing machine I brought out and says "are you making hash?" I told him "yeah". He's from Afghanistan originally, and he proceeded to tell me what it was like in his region of Afghanistan where he grew up where artisan hash was made. The guys knows it all and told me stories about how they made it, and that they had huge fields of plants destined for hash making. Apparently cannabis is an important cultural and economic plant to his community. I gave him a few grams of cured/aged temple ball hash I had made before for him to try. Can't wait until I get his feedback! He said he'd give me some from the "old country" that apparently he can still get his hands on. I might learn something and also get very high. Life is good in the suburbs. Hahaha

All my other neighbours smoke, so that new neighbour was my only worry. I love this country!
Oh, I almost forgot. I have another funny story to tell today. We have a new neighbour who moved into the house next door just a few months ago. They are very strict and traditional Muslims. This is Canada, so there's nothing unusual about diversity in the suburbs lol, but I tended to be a bit distant with them. I was worried about what they thought of the huge 2 cannabis plants on my patio deck.

So today while setting things up outside in the backyard for my bubble hash making, the big scary guy was in his backyard and peers over the fence and says "you better harvest those plants soon, they're looking ripe", then sees the washing machine I brought out and says "are you making hash?" I told him "yeah". He's from Afghanistan originally, and he proceeded to tell me what it was like in his region of Afghanistan where he grew up where artisan hash was made. The guys knows it all and told me stories about how they made it, and that they had huge fields of plants destined for hash making. Apparently cannabis is an important cultural and economic plant to his community. I gave him a few grams of cured/aged temple ball hash I had made before for him to try. Can't wait until I get his feedback! He said he'd give me some from the "old country" that apparently he can still get his hands on. I might learn something and also get very high. Life is good in the suburbs. Hahaha

All my other neighbours smoke, so that new neighbour was my only worry. I love this country!
Thats actually amazing
I made the ball today. Turned out much bigger than I thought - 50 grams for those first 3 runs. She's very soft and gummy. Hopefully it keeps its shape once I put in the the cool "cure cave". It didn't smell like much before I stared rolling, but once some trichomes broke it just filled the kitchen with earthy spice. I'm really liking the terpene profile of this strain, although it's not really the same as classic Afghani black despite the strain name of "Afghan Hash Plant". The terpene profile might change with the cure though.

Well my poor girl inside still looks the same, just fatter. It's really hard to keep up with all the little sprouts popping up on the end of each branch with this pheno, I think a minimum of one more week of veg though will be necessary. I'm late! I'll do a proper update on that soon, but I've been pretty busy processing outdoor stuff for the hash making. It's a lot of work, but it's great barter material in case "issues" in society get even worse than what they are now. lol

Anyway, yesterday morning I took a look at my last standing plant outside, and I suddenly noticed how frosty she was:


It's not the dank kind of frostiness I expected. Anyway, it all melted away and the plants looked none the worse for it by the afternoon. hahaha

Edit: This last plant (out of 2) only has about half a dozen little colas that I left because they weren't near ripe yet. I took the ripe ones first, and collected them as they were ready. I plan on harvesting and processing the last of those this weekend, but for this last stuff I'm hoping most of it doesn't fall through to my 25 μm bag. The joys of living in the Great White North and growing weed outdoors! grrrrr...
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Just a quick update on my 2 outdoor plants. Looks like they will finish! We had some pretty crazy cold rain for days last week, and winds that blew over the bins even though I thought I had secured properly them to the deck. Then the frost on a night. My wife woke me up one morning, and said she noticed all the leaves on my plant had turned purple from the freezing and maybe the plants would die. Lol... naw, they took the frost and just kept on trucking. I've really lucked out this year because there is no sign of PM or bud rot. My neighbors are really impressed, especially the one beside me to the left whom I often barter weed to for his construction company's renovation services. Not sure if that's legal... gray area. Lol

Weather looks good over the next week without freezing night temps, so I think they'll ripen and be ready for next weekend (I think).

View attachment 4709920
It looks like you grew a lot of plant and not a lot of bud to me. You are a proud owner of a LOT of leaves. I bet that this is ALL of your exp here in this thread. So, when you follow me around and try to discredit what I say, I'll be sure to put you in your place. Now, let's see this "Free soil testing service" that you keep talking about. Let's settle this shit right here. Find me a place to send a soil test for free, I'll wait.
Well my poor girl inside still looks the same, just fatter. It's really hard to keep up with all the little sprouts popping up on the end of each branch with this pheno, I think a minimum of one more week of veg though will be necessary. I'm late! I'll do a proper update on that soon, but I've been pretty busy processing outdoor stuff for the hash making. It's a lot of work, but it's great barter material in case "issues" in society get even worse than what they are now. lol

Anyway, yesterday morning I took a look at my last standing plant outside, and I suddenly noticed how frosty she was:

View attachment 4728764

It's not the dank kind of frostiness I expected. Anyway, it all melted away and the plants looked none the worse for it by the afternoon. hahaha

Edit: This last plant (out of 2) only has about half a dozen little colas that I left because they weren't near ripe yet. I took the ripe ones first, and collected them as they were ready. I plan on harvesting and processing the last of those this weekend, but for this last stuff I'm hoping most of it doesn't fall through to my 25 μm bag. The joys of living in the Great White North and growing weed outdoors! grrrrr...
You can hardly tell that the plant has buds on it!
So today while setting things up outside in the backyard for my bubble hash making, the big scary guy was in his backyard
The vibe that I'm getting is not masculine at all!!! Oh man, I bet that you are sensitive as HELL... I can tell because you screamed like a 12yr old girl when you felt jealous of gardening knowledge in the other threads.

Dear diary, there was totally this big scary guy in the neighbor's backyard and he spoke to me(I almost shit myself). He was from Afghanistan, so that made him extra scary, but I'm going to play it off on RIU like we had a conversation(really I just wanted to go inside away from him).
You can hardly tell that the plant has buds on it!

That is correct because they've been harvested already as I clearly stated in my post. This weekend will be busy because I need to turn several pounds of bud and sugar leaves into bubble hash. My wife wants her freezer space back. lol

Edit: I'm starting to think that perhaps you really didn't put me on your ignore list as you stated previously.
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let's see this "Free soil testing service" that you keep talking about. Let's settle this shit right here. Find me a place to send a soil test for free, I'll wait.

Obviously you have me confused with someone else so you might be waiting a long time. Plus I don't live in your country, so I have no clue what services are available to you. Hopefully someone else can help you out. Good luck!
He's from Afghanistan originally, and he proceeded to tell me what it was like in his region of Afghanistan where he grew up where artisan hash was made. The guys knows it all and told me stories about how they made it, and that they had huge fields of plants destined for hash making. Apparently cannabis is an important cultural and economic plant to his community.
Do you understand what he was telling you? He probably comes from Kandahar Valley and his hash was most likely funding the Taliban. He probably grew poppy plants with his cannabis. I bet that scary dude living next door is a stone cold killer and I bet that he's killed people before. You get a bad vibe from him because he's not scared to kill your entire family. You better be careful. Does he have Taliban connections and he moved to your neighborhood to escape both the Taliban and American soldiers? Sounds like a nice neighborhood that you live in!!!
Do you understand what he was telling you? He probably comes from Kandahar Valley and his hash was most likely funding the Taliban. He probably grew poppy plants with his cannabis. I bet that scary dude living next door is a stone cold killer and I bet that he's killed people before. You get a bad vibe from him because he's not scared to kill your entire family. You better be careful. Does he have Taliban connections and he moved to your neighborhood to escape both the Taliban and American soldiers? Sounds like a nice neighborhood that you live in!!!

Yup could be, although he never mentioned growing cannabis himself. He does seem to have money though, or at least his family does. Shortly after moving here he had a new Corvette in his driveway. But he smokes weed and didn't steal my plants, so that's a good sign in a neighbour. I was pretty happy when the family that lived next door moved. They were the types that would call the police pre-legalization if they even thought I had weed in my possession. In winter all the snow at the end of his driveway he snowblowed onto the road, and the plow would make a pass and add his snow to my own in the end of MY driveway. And he would always borrow shit from me that I'd have to chase him down for to get back. so I stopped lending and we stopped talking.

Believe me, our neighbourhood is better than it used to be! lol