One Plant Closet Grow


Active Member
Alright Ladies and Gents here is my one plant closet grow.

Super low budget, noob closet grow

Current Seeding Soil: Nature Mix Organic Seed Starting Mix [Peat Moss-Compost-Perlite] (Home Depot)

Transfering Into Some SeaSoil Purchased at local Hydro store

Plant is a Short Stuff- Snoryder Feminised ( 9-10 Week Harvest, 12-18' Finished Plant Height)

Started Germinating March 30th / Rooted March 31st / Planting April 1st

Closet Spec's: 40 Inches Wide, 18 Inche Depth, and 4 1/2 Feet Tall

Equipment: 3 x 13w 6500k CFL's, 14' Fan, 6' Seeding Pot, 10' Veg Pot (waiting on good soil then doing a transfer and beginning nutes)

and thats all, simple as that.
I will use this as a log, take pictures of progress and post any questions/advice I have/need




Active Member
hey bro cool setup for a first grow but your gonna need a lot more light. I think the general rule of thumb if you are using cfls is you want 100 actual CFL watts not what the CFL's are equivalent too. so just go to the store and pic up a pack of the 26w 6500k bulbs and you should be good


Active Member
yea youd have to get those 13 watters super close... would def invest in some more lighting... agreed^^... and you can get them for cheap at any hd or lowes... subd


Active Member
thanks for the heads up guys! I'll be lookin for those 20/25w lights. I also have 2 24' T5 Light Holders we use for our black lights. Originally I was going to grab a 6500k 24' T5 but i can't seem to find them anywhere, if I do expect to see some coming changes!


Well-Known Member
Go to they got some good prices on 24" T5's as well as other stuff. Good luck!!


Active Member
alright so I went to the store, got 2 23w (100w eq) hooked em up into my splitter, keeping the 13w 6500k going just for a lil extra, then swapping it out to one of the 23w when I throw my flowering bulbs in the splitter. But there's lots of time before that!


Active Member
just sprouted today and starting to leaf! I'll be making journal entries quiet often so if anybody wants to follow the progress check out my profile :D


Well-Known Member
looks sweet man, just like my closet, almost the same size too and ive got 230 true watts of cfl, the more lights the betterGEDC0284.jpg


Well-Known Member
Cant recommend nutes. What works for me works for me. As for size same thing. I COULD make it work. Idk seeds look good though