one plant out of many stopped growing and top stem is darkening


Hello all, first time poster but long time reader of many blogs, posts, and topics that go on this website. Let me get some things out of the way so that hopefully someone can answer my specific question. With all due respect to the million and one methods their are to growing cannibus, I have never had a unique problem growing before like the one I face now. What I use is irrellevant unless you can prove that certain strains grow differently under the same light.. All my plant are flourishing lovely, except for one that started to grow nicely then stopped for some reason. a night after i noticed the stop, it was laying down the next morning, not dead because it was still reaching for the light you should know what I mean by that. All of the leaves are healthy like they were the day it went under the light. its been 4 or 5 days now and no difference I used toothpic crutches and moved soil around till it stood up straight. I have had a similar problem like this before, the probelm i realized was because the root broke underneath the soil, i used rooting gel and after a week its fine. What makes this different, is that the top part of the stem is becoming dark brown, darker than the other plants that are growing everyday. Thats what boggles my brain. Member all plants are receiving the same of everything so knowing my equip setup is useless. It dont matter what strain, every strain shows new progress everyday under HID lighting whether it be taller more leafier or thicker stemmed and thats a fact. im not talking about height specifically but some change should happen unless there is something wrong. So does anyone know why the top part of the stem is getting darker but no other type of changes are happening? AGAIN all plants are in same conditions and excel daily. Any advice is appreciated, and respected, with the utmost thought.

Thanks in advance.View attachment 2395805


Active Member
You have quite a few good looking ones out there. Id say pop another seed or two (or clones) to replace that one and just trash it. Why waste time on it when a flourishing plant can take its spot?
Just my opinion, Im not sure whats wrong with it


I respect your opinion, and it will be considered, untill its dead I will treat all my plants equally. and i would like to know what happened to avoid it in the future.
thanks again pirax