One room grow

I'd love to use a two room setup. One veg and one flower, one t5 room and one hps room. But due to space I can't. What are some suggestions minus switching the lights in and out during different stages?


Well-Known Member
i have a vegg room and clone in the closet. and have a 600w hps set up with a MH conv. bulb.

what you could do is tarp the room in half. and then you have two 1/2 rooms and a closet. thats wat i was originally guna do
When I say room I do mean closet. It's in my bedroom. I can't use a whole room or a grow tent due to my son and gf being around. She doesn't want him to know about it


Well-Known Member
oh ya i hear that. if you have a full closet you can split it, but if not your kinda in a pickle sorry to say. at least to my knowledge..


Active Member
my first thought was you could build two separate lightproof boxes. one box with T5s inside the lid, one box with an HPS inside the lid.
or actually you could just build one lightproof flowering box with an HPS lid, and do veg outside the box. the top of the HPS box could be a clone warming tray haha

and by build a box i mean hammer pieces of wood together, don't have to get fancy