One Seed, One Disire


Well-Known Member
YEAH HELL YEAH IT SURVIVED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i kept it on 12/12 for its timer and 9 days no water it looks thirsty as hell and a few bottom leafs are krinckly but its huge now ! AND ITS POSSIBLY A FEMALE !!!!!!!!!! idk yet cuase its not that far but crasy !


Well-Known Member
YEAH HELL YEAH IT SURVIVED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i kept it on 12/12 for its timer and 9 days no water it looks thirsty as hell and a few bottom leafs are krinckly but its huge now ! AND ITS POSSIBLY A FEMALE !!!!!!!!!! idk yet cuase its not that far but crasy !


Well-Known Member
just did some LST this morning , :) she looks really good , i accedently super cropped one of the new tops so im hoping it will heal back , im really confident it will


Well-Known Member
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I need to do some lst :D the fim gave me 4 tops or 3 i forget i need to take more pics .... and of course i watered haha
This is just another example of how hardy the plants become after a few feedings of my stuff, agree?

Another claim: immortal plants, lol

Case in point: I hit my parents' outdoor plants with this stuff all last summer, and when fall came around, I stopped fertilizing, thinking they'd eventually die off after the first frost. Wrong! We eventually disposed of them in November... they stayed green all the way to the end. They just wouldn't die...


Well-Known Member
Yeah the super cropped top i think you can see in the pic , but i ended up taking it of , i have so many tops any ways :leaf::leaf::leaf: I counted 12 bud spots :hump: you can also see the fimming i did , iv done anouther one since then so once it lifts up to the lights ill snap more pictures ;] ... iv been doing some small trimming , trimming off the leaf's that block bud sites . so they get more light :idea: :] yummy thc good for me



Well-Known Member
This is my first Flower :D ! im very exsited ! i cant believe i will get to put this in a pipe and be able to say , i grew this . or when i smoke with buddys and i say , i grew this from seed


Well-Known Member
na im doing Good! i left my camrea at my bro's a couple days ago so today he should be coming to bring it to me .... my plant looks alot different from the pictures because i did alot of Low Stress Training to keep it from growing to tall,

i also added anouther ventalation fan to keep it cooler cause i think it was getting way to hot , its helped tramendiously

i cant wait till harvest ;)

In Other News: I got 5 NEW SEEDS !!!!!!!!!!!! I got them from an anonymous Medical grower who was doing some breeding and gifted them to me :]

so thoughs are germinating , and im going to be growing them out doors ;P


Well-Known Member
here she is ;p you can see all the LST i did to keep her from getting to tall , idk if you can see but , red stems ??? what does that mean ?? other then that , she's doing great


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hell yeah bro, looking great!! the red stems could be just the strain, sometimes if its colder, that will cause purple/red stems also. you did it bro!!


Well-Known Member
yeah i did add an extra vent fan venting air from the bottom out to the top so that does make sense :D , HAHA i still got anouther 3-4 weeks i think , dont i ? im under cfl's so iv been counting on it taking a little longer on top of already taking some what long lol

I STARTED MY OTHER SEEDS THOUGH ! in a pot of dirt out side , so im hoping with in the next couple days they will sprout so i can start an outdoor journal