One song you have to blaze to?


Well-Known Member
Post that one or two song (MAX) that you just have to blaze to.... you just rolled that blunt up, or the bowl is packed and you're about to listen to: ..................

Mine would be:
jimmy eat world - 23
the format - career day


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;5u5Oo6sdH28] [/video]



Well-Known Member
Give them both a shot.


Well-Known Member
promises by nero
guilt by nero
rock n rock by skrillex
jahova by rusko

and ive recently been into Childish Gambino hes pretty cool


Well-Known Member
Soul to squeeze is my bong ripping song. When I'm feeling sadness and just want to get lost in a cloud of smoke, also under the bridge


Active Member


Started playing the videos on youtube and just had to start blazing a bowl

but I'll smoke to anything always have my mp3 on random lol