ongoing biweekly cloning attempts and failures


Well-Known Member
3 years growing experience, had success in first year, now in a 2 year rut.

I had another post for my previous 2 attempts in March here...

Figured I would make an official thread, seeing as it will take many attempts.

I have Turboklone24 that I just got, but low and behold first 2 runs with no sucess, I will also be doing 2 trays of rockwool side by side continuously.

The purpose of this thread, is to get advice, then follow advice, then fail, then show you the results of your advice and ask why?
Every attempt I will switch up 1-2 things in the environment until success is achieved.

I will start a new turboklone run in 1 week and will post it here. Did 2 trays of rockwool cubes yesterday, here they are on D1.


heat mat set 78F, the heating range is 76-80. Probe is inserted in a cube inside the dome


both vents are completely open. I am seeing 80-90RH.


soaked over night in 5.7PH Tap water. Put in salad spinner to reduce water content to 50% of water capacity. I used a scale to weigh it dry, then completely soaked and weighed it, then subtracted to figure out what was 50%. I also am experimenting with different grodans, I have 3 variations, the 1.5", the 1", and a 1" split in half.


10 different strains being cloned, 2-4 cuttings each. So its not a matter of oh this genetics takes maybe longer or is harder etc.


17W 4FT LED TUBE, 4K, @ 18/6, 12" DISTANCE = 5K LUMENS

When ive had near 100% failure in any medium i go back to my mothers and take a good look and make sure healthy.

There's horticulture literature that suggests high nitrogen in clone tissues can hinder rooting. And higher calcium in tissue promotes rooting. So i would not feed moms 4-5 days before taking cuts and then 2 days before taking cuts, give a cal-mag boost with lime (not a big fan of liquid cal-mags with nitrates).

I also like to foliar maxi crop or liquid kelp with no added iron or micros. Prevents yellowing of lower leaves and gives food and cytokines to help with shock.

Good luck. Curious to hear from others.
They should be smaller and trimmed of almost all vegetation...just leave the very top/new growth, and even trim those top leaves some if they're too big. Should basically look like a big seedling. One of the most successful clones I took this last time around was only like 3 inches tall. Also, scratching up part of the stem before applying rooting hormone definitely helps to expose more surface for the roots to grow from.
First off, until you get roots, there's no need for any nutrient. Rooting hormones will help speed up the process, but if done right, isn't exactly necessary.
Second, until they start getting roots, they need high humidity at all times. Removing the dome, exposing the clones to lower humidity air, will make them start to transpire more. Until they have roots, you want transpiration at a minimum. That's how they maintain turgor.

Even once they have roots, don't shock them by putting them in a lower humidity situation, right off the bat. Acclimate them. Jm2c