Just make sure that the humidity is very high----spray the inside of the dome and spray the soil a little.still got nothing happening. heat is good the room is 75. would it help to put the cups in the flower room? temps run 84 in the top and 72 in the bottom.
Spray the dome and soil a littleTwo of the power skunks popped. Nothing on the diesel or the other two skunks yet.
it's finelooks like one popped up side down, Can't seem to dl the pic will try later.
it's fine---good job----cover only the tap root with soil.
good and warm from the cfl----you are using a hummidome cover of some sort---right?Doc, I'm the one the left the seeds in the water for 3 days. I took a peak this evening and my seeds are still not showing any sign of sprouting. I felt the cups and they all feel good and warm from the CFL. Do you think they will eventually start sprouting?
They will stretch a little---get them under the flor's as soon as you can----40watt flor can be 1" to 2" from the top of the plant.Mine just are just starting to pop any problem leaving the cover on a few more days?
OK, done.Ok-
Now that they have popped we need to take off the humidomes and get the cups under fluorescent light---------I like to fill a spray bottle with 6.3 ph water------THE ONLY WATER THE SEEDLINGS WILL GET OVER THE NEXT 2 WEEKS IS FROM THE SPRAY BOTTLE!!!----If the soil gets a little dry on the top surface we will give it a little spray but just enough to get it moist.---------------You probably will not have to even spray for 5 to 6 days. The key point here is that over-watering is the number 1 reason seedlings fail or fail to perform---with the spray bottle method we are going to use, we will eliminate the chance of over-watering. NO ADDED NUTES FOR THIS FIRST 2 WEEK PERIOD.
no those put out a little more heat i would say keep it 6-8 inches above the plantsHow about a 104 watter cfl ? Is 2-4" from bulb still best ?
goodOK, done.
One of the diesels popped, so now I have the diesel, 2 powerskunks and 1 gigabud showing.
Diesel and gigabud are fem, powerskunk not.
As you might guess, these are my freebies from an attitude order.![]()
i'm surprisedmine are not doing nothing at all. so i'm doing the process over again but with bag seed just in case.
it would be just a little 2 warm to be that close but if that the only light you have try 12" above top of cup---the reason I use low watts is that we can get great growth without alot of stretch. Plants that are close to lights don't have to put thier energy into growing tall and in turn grow lush and fat.How about a 104 watter cfl ? Is 2-4" from bulb still best ?
very close guess but to be safe he could try 12"no those put out a little more heat i would say keep it 6-8 inches above the plants
VERY NICE!!!oh ya things are starting to pop.by the morn all should be good
SWEET!!!---hope that one pops for ya!!!----"DankBerry"-----I like it!!!.Doc,
OK... so a good friend knows I'm doing this and he's starting a grow as well. I had originally planned on 5 Snow White females but upon further review I decided to give 2 of my SW females to him and add 1 feminized PPP and 1 other seed out of a bag of super dank nugs that a good friend gave me a while back. It was the lone rogue seed in a bag full of fluffy nuggets. I surmise it to be female and the strain is unknown as it's a cross of some sorts. What I do know is that it's some of the best stuff I've ever smoked. I've named it Dankberry in honor.
I'm still doing 5 plants but the batting order has changed: 3 feminized Snow White, 1 feminized PPP, and 1 female(cross your fingers) Dankberry.
The PPP and the Dankberry seeds were put into water at 11:30 EST (USA) tonight. At 11:30 tomorrow night I'll plant them per your instructions. Since your method is faster all of them should be out of the soil within 2 days of one another so we'll be fine.
So there it is,,,,, now you have a plant in this grow that's actually named after you.![]()