ONLY 1 AND A HALF oz's from 3 plants


my friend used a 400 watt hps with 3 ???? seeds we found. he used miracle grow for both stages and bloomtastic at the end. he only harxested 35 grams and i dont think he is happy


My guesses:

Get rid of the males if you found seeds (biggest problem), Better soil, distance from HPS to plants, topping them would probably help?, never heard of bloomtastic, but I\'d imagine better nuts. Also it could just be a low yielding plant.


Well-Known Member
get some good genetics and good nutes like grow11 said. and make sure you let them finish. patience patience patience and practice makes perfect!


Active Member
thats definately enough time for vegg. i think pics would help us out a little tho. if your friend has the money, i would suggest buying the fox farms trio pack. thats all i have ever used on my plants and i haven't been dissappointed. i dont spend a lot of money on the soil, just whatever i can find at OSH for my budget. but i make sure they stay fed


Well-Known Member
read and read and read. then start growing based on what you read and decided to follow. ask 10 people and you'll get ten different responses.


Well-Known Member
If you put as much effort into the grow as you did the first two posts of this thread no wonder you got such a bad yield. If you can get a gram a watt your doin great.

Miracle grow has like 100 different product, which one did you buddy use. I would just drop the bull and pickup a nute system made for marijuana. A whole system, follow their recommendation except for strength. Start at 50% strength and go up from there.

Vegging for 2 months would give me a tree that was like 5 feet tall at the end. Artificial light only has so much power and it diminishes very quickly every foot you get from the bulb. I prefer to keep my plants short. I can veg for only 3 weeks from cutting and my plants are 24 inches over tall (if I let them grow straight up) when done.

Give us some more info and maybe we can give you some pointers, where the buds tight or loose. Did you have high temps? Did you have plenty of fresh air?...JR


Well-Known Member
Nothing like getting bitchslapped into a harsh reality by a couple plants eh? I can tell you that the mg is very easy to "misdose" likely meaning they were overferted or deprived most of the grow, both of which will definetly impact yield. Dude definetly needs a lot more info before we can help, from the info uve given it would be almost ignorant to suggest anything to help as it would be a shot in the dark, for all we know he needs new and better everything but maybe lighting. So, I'm assuming indoors but ill ask anyway, indoor or out?
What were the temps/rh with lights on/off?
Ph of water?
Soil ph?
Vegged for 2 motnhs, how long were they flowered for?
What was the growth like? Short, bushy, nodes stacked like a deck of cards?
Tall lanky with 3+inched between each node?
A little of both?
Was any training incorporated?
How tall did they get in those 2 months of veg?

I hate to be a jerk but I've seen people pull more than that off 3 auto's and its obvious he knows somethings up as he is disappointed so hopefully he's willing and eager to take advice with an open mind and apply it. I know its a lot and there could still be a million variations and factors that caused it, perhaps the room set-up? Was his room "up to par"?
But if we can get even some of these answered we can likely help u a lot more. But at this point I'm gonna say, shotty genetics and perhaps inexperience(?) which ultimately leads to missing pieces (ie no oscilating fan, high temps, etc..) And look at it this way, at least he's got SOMETHING the he grew himself, not a lot of people can say such.:joint: