Only one embryonic leaf!!


Was hoping someone could help. tried another forum and nothing. The sprout has only the 1 leaf. no real visible growth above ground in 2 weeks. otherwise the little fella looks healthy. Should i end it now or is it not a problem at all? Any help would be great. the only seed that really survived. :confused:


Well-Known Member
I was fuckin with some g13 haze seeds and mine did the exact same thing, took like a month to actually start growing...


Thanks that's kinda good to know. not the best news but at least it'll live. Mine's B52. first time grower and way to over eager. got 20 seeds of mango and B52 and only one managed. The rest i planted in the garden hoping against hope really. Now that one has birth defects! ... great. Was you plant healthy when it finally got going? did it effect yield? This one will no doubt be the mother so here's hoping she gets well soon.


Well-Known Member
To be honest I haven't flowered any cutting out yet. And the thing is that Ive had her for like 2 years lol. She is perfectly healthy and growing like a weed... Just hang in there and she eventually start growing. Ive wanted to grow mango for like 10 years, that was one of the strains I was interested in when I started growing. Just never ended up getting the seeds. I'm pretty sure she's a very good yeilder.. Good luck bro and i'm rootin for ya


thanks a lot! will need that luck. reckon i'm going to get some cheese cuttings and go with that. had my hydro ready for 10 plants. be damned if i'm waiting to get it going. will keep things updated on this thread. thanks again for the support.


Well.... it didn't make it. Started again and started a journal today. check it out if you like. Thanks again for the help.
